The man asked if I wanted the dog shot. I didn't know how to respond. I don't know if the killer dog is theirs or not. So I just said I had to find the dog first. I didn't tell them I'd been sitting out nights waiting for that dog to come along, ready to tackle it with my bare hands.
I've had nightmares. Last night I had quite a go around with them. All involved some monster attacking my own cats, them screaming and me roaring after the monster and being torn up myself. In one dream, my arm was bitten off. Miss Daisy, for some reason, my deaf cat, could talk in my dream and was screaming at the monster, who looked part golden lab and part human, with huge fangs, not to kill me because she loved me.
In another dream I was following a truck on a curvy road. With double yellow lines and right on a corner, from out of nowhere, a wildly painted up VW van passed me and then the truck ahead of me. Both careened off the road and down a bank.
I stopped my car and jumped out to see if anyone needed help. The same monster as in my other dream leapt out of the VW van. He looked up at me, then began tearing apart the man trapped under the pickup. There was a bazooka, for some reason, laying by the side of the road. I picked it up, balanced it on my shoulder and aimed it down at the monster. But I was afraid to fire it because the man being torn apart seemed to be still alive, although he was screaming. I didn't want to hurt him when I fired at the monster, but I knew he wasn't going to make it. He caught my eye and nodded fiercely. I fired the weapon and there was a horrible explosion. I woke up trying to remove pieces of that shithead monster from my dream that were splattering on my face. That dream was kind of cathartic.
Anyhow, I have only taken in a very few cats this week for surgery. Two on Monday. One of the two was an owned Corvallis male and one was the final female of seven kittens born to a pregnant mother dumped on highway 34. I took her in to be spayed, then caught six of the seven kittens, by then teens, who were fixed at the Neuterscooter. And now the last teen kitten is spayed.
On Wednesday, I took in just one cat, a newly dumped male, at the HTN colony.
Today, four cats are being fixed, one from the Lebanon Family Feud situation, one of the tame ones that was in the house and three from Springfield. I went down to Springfield yesterday and spent the day trapping with a friend from West Fir. I trapped the same colony two or more years ago.
The Family Feud situation is still ongoing. The granddaughter got permission from a judge to enter the house to get the cats out and anything there that was hers, but, the Lebanon woman who took in three of in the inside tame cats, said the granddaughter went ballistic when she found out she could only go back in when someone was with her. She took the inside tame female, but the Lebanon rescuer took one of the two black male brothers, both teens, the old neutered manx male, Stump, and Sylvester, the big beautiful yellow and white long hair male, neutered through Poppa.
The second teen black medium hair, was terribly frightened by all that went on there, and fled out the door. He has not been seen again. The one who fled is the one, fortunately at least, who was already fixed. The male teen the Lebanon rescuer took in was not fixed, but is being neutered today.
The granddaughter had left me one more message, stating she wanted to make a donation, for all the cats I got fixed for her and her grandmother, and for all the hours upon hours I spent helping them, then relocating six of the 8 outside fed cats so far. I returned her call and got only a message machine and haven't heard from her again. I didn't think they'd ever really make good.
I also took in the two kittens from the Corvallis Dilapidated Duplex situation, an orange tabby tux short tail male and his sister, a torti. They were too small for my vet to do, (they want them four pounds) so my West Fir friend offered to get the male fixed through 20 free fixes a local veterinarian had offered the community in Eugene yesterday. They were also going to do the female there for free, but discovered she has a heart murmur. Since they didn't know who owned her, which is nobody yet, really, they didn't know whether to proceed with spay, since it's a greater risk then.
She is being spayed today, at Greenhill and I don't know if she'll make it through anesthesia with that heart murmur. If she does, she'll go into foster with a different friend of mine who lives in Lane County. I paid for her spay. $50 cash. Had to be done. But I hope she makes it.
Since I was in Eugene, I went trapping with my West Fir cat rescue/fixer friend. We caught four in total at an ongoing problem colony. She kept one of the four to get fixed down there and I brought three up to be fixed here. Poppa Inc. will be reimbursed at least for these fixes, after the fact, however.
I've been working on the darn cat run, hoping to help my cats get some relief from the stress of so many being crammed into this house with no fresh air or hope really.
I am very much hoping Snowman goes to his alleged new home this weekend. That would help. Hope is gone. Bucky is gone. The kittens from DD won't be coming back.
My brother has had me look at two houses in Corvallis but both are on busy highways, one on 99W and one on Philomath Blvd. The one on Philomath Blvd. has been up for sale forever and a day and labeled a "fixer".
My brother didn't think either were a good investment since they're both right on such busy highways. I'm dying to get out of Albany. My brother will put this house up for sale.
Again, my brother is looking for a house, $150K or less, which I know is really a hard thing to find in the Corvallis area. But that is where he is looking, the Corvallis/Philomath area. If we find something, I'll get to go home. So if you know of one, please contact me.

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