Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Working on the Garage and Four Cats Up Being Fixed

I've been doing my best in the garage yesterday, and today. Today I have to go slower. My back is raging against the machine. On fire.

I took up four cats this morning, to be fixed. Two are from the catman farmer, spreading the word.

A group of farmers bought the cafe in Shedd a long time ago. The cook was making an extremely long commute to work. The farmer owners, including my buddy the catman, wouldn't have someone sacrificing to such an extent who was working for them. So they found an old farmhouse, empty for several decades, and got her into that. Now she's close to work,

But she'd taken in two feral kittens, now teens and they needed fixed. And the catman farmer was going to take care of that also. So he called me.

I went down last night and she showed me through that gorgoues 100 year old house. They don't build houses that solid anymore. I love those old houses, with the twists and turns and bizarre little rooms and crawlspaces to nowhere. I LOVE THEM.

So I brought her two lovely cats back and they are up being fixed today. A girl and a boy. She paid in full for both fixes. She just has no time to get it done herself.

And caught two of the four Millersburg cats. They're up being fixed, with traps set for the other two still.

In between this, I'm trying to build the overhead run, from the house through the first garage bay to the little room in the second. Has to be up high at the rafters, wherein lies the problem, with my back and neck issues. But I am at it, trying. It's slow, because, like I say, my back is on fire. Working arms overhead on a laddar with that unbending neck plate, inflames everything, top to bottom.

I've got it about four feet from the front of the garage. From there, it will take a right angle to the corner, about four feet, then it will run at an angle to the floor, to the place I'll cut the hole in the wall for the cat door. I just got to keep at it. I figure by tomorrow, I'll be down to the floor ready to cut that hole. I hope anyhow.

I got some numbness in my right toes. Inflammation. That was the leg that was losing nerve stimulation when I had back surgery two years ago. My knee lost most nerve stimulation prior to surgery, and I've never gotten full recovery in my right knee. It really never has worked right since then.

Well, I'm back at it.

Here are photos of the five cats who went in the day before yesterday to be fixed. The black cat, the last unfixed cat at the BS, didn't make it home.
The last unfixed cat at the BS. She didn't make it home alive. Her mouth was a sea of infection. Likely, there was an underlying cause, like FIV.
The four kittens fixed from north of Adair were gorgoues. Three were silver tabbies. Two of the them were long hair. Unbelievably beautiful kittens.

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