Well another Corvallis bank was robbed, apparently by the same man who robbed the WA Mutual on Circle December 28. Here's the funny thing. I was at Winco that night, maybe about 7:00 p.m. I hadn't heard about any bank robbery. There was this guy with a bluetooth thing in his ear, which immediately attracts my attention because I think they are silly looking. This guy didn't match the gear, however. Something was off about him. He seemed slightly paranoid. He almost seemed like a homeless or super low income fellow. He had short dark brown hair and was balding.
When I caught his eye and looked him up and down, because I swore he looked sort of like a homeless guy I once ran into, kind of low income, not the type who'd have a bluetooth, he went as far as to change checkout lines, like my just looking at him made him nervous. Maybe I do look scarey enough these days. I rarely comb my hair anymore. I don't see any point to it.
Like I say, I had not heard of the bank robbery and only heard about it later, by reading the online paper. When I heard about it, and that the robber had a bluetooth and was the same age range, I thought about the guy again. But the robber was described as stocky, and I would have described this guy as average build.
I look at shoes, usually. I checked the guy at Winco's shoes out, to see if the expensive bluetooth in his ear, matched his shoe "income". He had on cheap looking plastic white tennis shoes. Course lots of people wear those.
Anyhow, the description given of the robber after the second robbery sounds like that guy. Lots of guys fit the same description however and there might be lots of guys out there with those bluetooths stuck in their ears, which is hysterical to think about just writing it. I don't know why they crack me up so much, but they do.
Except, the guy I saw in Winco December 28 had one peculiar facial feature. His two upper front teeth were slightly spaced apart. Now that piece of information wasn't in the paper in the description of the robber.
The man I saw was probably just some guy who looked like some guy I'd met when homeless or ran into later on along the river. The guy I saw probably wasn't the bank robber at all. Or maybe he was. Sure lots of banks getting robbed lately, seems like.
That whole thing with the waddling bandit and the FBI arresting that innocent man, when he didn't really look like most of the photos, especially all of the photos. For gosh sakes, the man in the photos had a dimple in his chin and other facial features absent on the man they arrested. See, that's real scarey, when they arrest a person solely on the basis of bank surveillance video and one habit (the guy gambled) when the pictures don't really resemble the person. That is really really scarey.
I am a Cat Woman. My self-appointed mission in life is to save the feline world! To accomplish this mission, I get cats fixed. Perhaps my mission might be slightly delusional. This blog is a mishmash of wishful thinking, rants, experiences as I remember them and of course, cat stories and cat photos. I have a nonprofit now, to help keep the cats here cared for and to fix community cats. Happy Cat Club formed in 2015. Currently, we are on a mission to fix 10,000 cats.
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