Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Absence of Evangelical Values. Will Huckabee be First Pres with Serial Killer Son?

Huckabee supporters in Iowa cite "values" as their reason for supporting Huckabee for President. Those who claim Huckabee has values must have none themselves, or not know what values really are.

What values? His 17 year old son tortured to death a stray dog at a Boy Scout camp. The boy was fired for this action, but was not charged. An FBI agent and local police officer claim Huckabee himself interceded to make certain his son was not charged. That violates several criminal codes in itself. One of his campaign workers made a statement something like...'since when is it government or police business what goes on at a Boy Scout camp.'

Well, since a horrific crime occurred there, that's when.

Will Huckabee be our first President whose son has chosen "serial killer" as his calling? It's bad enough he's an animal abuser and that his father made sure his son faced no consequences for brutality. Torturing a dog to death is indicative of no values and no respect for life. The fact his father helped his son avoid prosecution is indicative of his real values, which are far different than what most people would consider normal.

I call someone who tortures a dog to death 'evil'. I call someone who covers up for that person a 'co-conspirator to evil'. Evangelicals in Iowa apparently value people who behave in this manner. I am unable to grasp this value system.

I conclude Huckabee doesn't have values. And neither do those who claim he does.

1 comment:

  1. Most serial killers do start out by torturing animals. That is very sad.


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