Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Weed Adoption Video and Little Miss Sunshine finally Gets Her Home

The quality of this adoption video for Weed, the orange tabby male kitten from Hate Thy Neighbor colony, is poor. I have no light in my living room, so now, with the darkness of winter and bad weather, my living room is very dark all the time. I intend to get a lamp to alleviate living room darkness. I have been watching the thrift stores for a decent bright lamp, that is cat safe and won't easily be knocked over. But anyhow, I can't really take videos right now inside my place, until I get a light, unless I do it in the bedroom or bathroom. Hence the poor video quality. I tried to lighten it up using Windows Movie Maker video affects, but it lessened the quality.

Today, Little Miss Sunshine, the Fern Road kitten I dug out of a woodpile, laboriously, finally has a home. She's had a long haul. Little Miss Sunshine's saga began when some horrible person dumped her mother on Fern Road. The cat was pregnant and had four kittens in the corner of a tiny shed. When the shed owner found them, she talked to a woman who also had found a cat dumped along the same road and who knew me. The woman called me.

I got the tame mother fixed at a Eugene FCCO clinic. The woman planned on catching the four kittens herself and taking them "to the pound" as she called it, where, unfortunately, since they were unsocialized, they would have been killed.

When she told me this, I couldn't take it. I was in a mood, railing inside myself over how uncaring the human population can be, especially when we think we're so god damned special that god loves us humans, that we alone are important. All the sanctimonious arrogant crap I'd hear, painted in various religious and political colors, as opposed to the reality I see daily--the really darkside of humans, and the dark cruel behaviors are no stranger to the religious or liberal crowds. I'd think to myself what hypocrits the Christian crowd really is and the liberals, too. And the pagans and non believers and apoliticals, well we could still be so much more than worse than animals. I was in a mood, is what I'm saying. I couldn't take the sanctimonious words coming out of the mouths of my own species.

In retaliation for all the darkness, for the religious fakeness and hypocrisy, and for the sanctimonious arrogance of humans, I saved those four kittens.

It's not a nice world out there for little kittens sometimes.

The woman said she'd make a donation to help cover their expenses. The big donation ended up to be $30. Wow. Boy.

It's really very difficult not to start laughing out loud, when an extreme liberal you are helping, rails against injustices and inequities and so forth and so on, then cheats a person they know is poor, who has helped them out and will endure hardships and expenses beyond even the free hours of labor done that day for them. It is very difficult to keep a straight face in these situations.

Same thing when I get cheated by the Christian conservative crowd, like what happened with the wealthy woman, down at the mill. Hard to keep a straight face. Sanctimony. Arrogance. It's so funny really. With kittens in the line of fire. It's hysterical.

I want to say "Shut up and save the kittens." But I know they won't. And they'd call me crazy. They'd not see the irony at all which in itself is hysterical.

Nonetheless, I spent three hours digging those kittens out of a woodpile buried in the bottom of that little shed. This wasn't easy.

Right after her spay, when she reached two pounds, she broke out in horrible conjunctivitis. The eyelids even bled. I didn't know if she would survive it, but she did. Then, just when she was so ready for a home, I brought in Jiggles, Teddy and Scruffy, Hope's kittens, who also brought me ringworm. Little Miss Sunshine got ringworm!

She then endured every other day anti fungal baths, as did nine other kittens I was fostering. Those were hard times!

Then, a Newport woman wanted to adopt her. I held onto her and onto her for that woman, who never ended up showing up to adopt her. A WA woman, who used to live in Lebanon, now a supporter of my work in the mid valley to fix cats, had been, unbeknownst to me, watching Little Miss Sunshine disappear from my petfinder site, only to be reposted as adoptible, time and time again. In the end, she believed it to be fate that she adopted her, as she did today.

I am very happy to send Little Miss Sunshine off to the home of such a devoted animal person. Relieved is another good word for it. When you know someone does everything for their animals, loves them dearly, it's such a relief to find such people wishing to adopt a rescued kitty you've sunk your heart into saving. Can you imagine the stress of handing off a beloved kitten or rescued cat to a total stranger, when you know the odds aren't good for animals out there, that so many people fake all sorts of things and have very little character or integrity.

Today, one of the three cats, the final unfixed three of the Hinck colony, went up to be fixed. The orange boy, the second orange teen, didn't make it home. He was euthanized after a finding of abnormality in surgery. I bet his brother will miss him dearly.

It is extremely stressful to wonder how these little lives will fare in a new home, if they'll really be loved and cared for, if they really will be cherished and not abandoned like trash or yelled at and abused, or end up barely noticed or dead. People will say anything to get what they want. You just don't know anymore. To find wonderful people, like the couple who today adopted Little Miss Sunshine, it's such a relief, such a joy. I'll sleep fine tonight.

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