Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Who is Catherine Hahn?

Who is Kate Hahn? People call here for her constantly. At first, months ago, I believed she was someone who used to have this number. But the calls keep coming. And now, tonight, someone called for her, and I explained again that I have had this number since I moved here, and that Kate Hahn doesn't have this number anymore, only to be told by the woman, "That's wierd, because I call and talk to her by calling this number quite often, and as recently as last week." So what the fuck is going on?

There's either something really weird with the phone company, with the same number given to two people, if that's even possible, or this Kate Hahn used to live here and is entering my place using a key. Now that is scarey. I don't know if the phone line was unconnected here when I moved in. I never tried it, and just called the phone company and asked that my account be transferred to my new address with a phone number, before I totally moved over. So I assume the line was disconnected and that I was given a brand new number, dumped by someone, but I can't be sure that is the case at all. This house was empty for a long time before my brother bought it and had been used as a rental. It is possible that the line was not disconnected and someone, a past renter maybe, was entering and using the phone. I don't know. The garage door lock had been broken and the garage broken into when my brother first looked at the place.

I need to rig a booby trap and a video cam I guess.. Nothing unusual would show up on my bill because I don't have long distance access with this number. I may be the victim of repeated breaking and entering? It's the only reasonable explanation, that she is an old tenant here, and keeps breaking in to use the phone unless the phone company is so lame they gave the same number to two people.

Many of the contacts calling here after Kate Hahn are bill collectors.

If I Zabasearch my own number, I get C Hahn. If I Zabasearch Catherine Hahn plus Albany, I get an address on 15th in Albany, that appears to be a business. I'll drive by it tomorrow. This needs solved.

I also came up with another phone number for C Hahn in Albany. I called it. A woman answered, then after a moment, after I asked if this was CAtherine, she said I must have the wrong number and hung up. I also came up with a second address in Albany associated with C Hahn. I'll be checking that one out too.

I tried calling Qwest but they are not open, so I submitted an online repair order. But, I have no clue what is going on.

Tonight's call is just the latest in another string of calls. Two days ago, it was Linn Benton Community College calling about a program I signed up for, only it wasn't me, it was Catherine Hahn giving this number out as hers. And maybe its hers, also, if the phone company screwed up.

The people calling over the months wanting Catherine Hahn have been far flung---from church members, to someone who plays on her sports team, to relatives from back east, but by and large they have been bill collectors. Student loan bill collectors. The pharmacy, over on Elm, trying to verify information because of a prescription she was filling. Collection agencies. Even the City of Millersburg and Trac Phone, calling repeatedly to warn Catherine that her trac phone account is expiring.

My guess would be that this person is a sheister and deep in debt. But I don't know that. I even told that to a family member once, trying to reach her with this number, when I still thought she no longer had this number, but once did, and urged her family to step in and perhaps help her, since so many of the calls were from debt collectors of all sorts.

Now I just don't know what to think.


  1. any idea about her yet?

    i can't wait to hear what you find out.

  2. Well, after my calls to Qwest, mysteriously, I have received no more callers wanting her. Hmmmmmmm.


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