Won't you adopt a fungi kitty please, oh please? I have plenty to spare. You could adopt one or more Fungi Kittens and when your child becomes a Fungi Kid from handling Fungi Kitten, you could take him and the kitten, to your child's school to use as teaching aids. First, you could show the children mushrooms and explain they are really fungi. "See," you could say, popping a mushroom into your mouth, "there's nothing to fear from fungi. They're greeeaat!"
Then, you could pull out a kitten! At first the kids would be delighted. Then they'd pull back in horror, seeing the hair loss, the crusty sores, and general misery of the fungi kitten. You could then say, "But wait, it's harmless and common, although perhaps unsightly. See, my son has it too!"
Then you pull out your son, part his hair and show the circular patches so charactistic of the beloved ringworm fungi, of various species. The kids will go "ooooohhh, YUK!" and cringe in horror. Then you can laugh, maybe, at least.
I'm trying to laugh. I have a lot of Fungi Kittens.
Do you want to adopt a Fungi Kitten? They're rare you know, so I'd have to charge you lots of money to adopt one. And maybe I'd provide you with a tube of Lamasol and maybe I wouldn't.
But please, come see the Fungi Kittens! Bring your camera and your wallet and the carrier you will need to take your new Fungi Kitty home.

Fungi Kitten Aces.

Fungi Kitten Jiggles fungi ridden feet.

The last calico standing! This is a very angry calico, the last cat needing caught at the ringworm and flea ridden downtown colony where the devoted mother lost her eye to blunt force trauma. When I picked her up tonight, after the caretaker called to say they'd trapped her, they told me two of them had caught ringworm, most likely from petting their own cats, who hang out in the same tenant house yard as the strays. It's a moldy rotten yucky flea ridden little slum, I tell you. Nobody should live there, not people, not kids, not pets, not strays, and it's not even fit for rats. The slumlord is the only creature on Earth fit to live in such a place. So let him live there. Lock him inside and throw out the key, I say!
Anyhow, in the messages left by the good neighbor in regards to catching the calico, they said she was extremely upset in the trap and banging against the sides horribly. I see she has a bloody tongue or lip. I cant' tell which and I'm hoping it is just from banging against the trap and that she doesn't have stomatitis. That would complicate this compicated situation even further.

I caught the calico's fourth and last kitten about ten days ago. She was flea ridden--infested with thousands of fleas. I'm not kidding there. Thousands. The calico is, also, but the first thing I did, when I picked her up was to apply Revolution. This will make her feel much better, ridding her of those awful blood suckers, the fleas, and earmites and roundworms.
poor little guys.
ReplyDeleteyou're such a good mom to them!
that sqaw and avocado sandwich is soo yummy!! and it's even good for you too. :)