Monday, September 17, 2007

Bathing Fungi Kittens Video and I Don't Want a New Doctor

I've been bathing the Fungi Kittens this morning. They have to be bathed three times a week. It's a pain in the butt, just a lot more work, but there's not much else I can do at this point.

The woman called who is helping people who had the doctor I had, over in Corvallis, find new doctors. My former doctor is leaving for a new job in another state. There are six doctors in Corvallis taking new patients, all at one clinic, and one doctor taking new patients in Albany. I don't know anything about any of these people, is the thing. The ones in Corvallis are all at one clinic.

I have had bad luck at that clinic, but not as a patient, except for long ago, when I briefly went to a doctor who practiced there who I considered crazy later on, for the crap he pulled. He also ended up in the paper for allegedly doing something to a patient, but was never charged. A friend of mine brought me the paper article when I was in a mental hospital, knowing I might enjoy reading it, (and I did) because of what I went through with him. I don't know if he is still there or not. The bad experiences have been in taking other people there--the incredibly long waits in the waiting room, way past appointment time and I'm talking way way past appointment time. Maybe that's changed by now.

Or, she said, I could just wait it out, and hope they find a replacement for my doctor at the clinic where I have been going. I don't know what I should do. It's stressful, finding a new doctor. At least I have an option to see a doctor, if I find one. I hate it that my doctor is leaving.

I hurt my leg yesterday. It doesn't hurt if there's no weight on it, but if I kneel, like on my car seat, across my right leg below the knee, the pain takes one's breath away. Or, if I'm sitting, with weight on my right leg and bend my foot up, gawd it hurts, sharp and needley pain. I hope I didn't crack my leg or something or pull something off.

I decided to start exercising and jogged in place for awhile yesterday inside here. Nothing hurt then, but today I can hear a snapping sound in the middle of my lower right leg, just a little sound, but it really hurts. It's hard to know if it's something serious or if I should just ignore it and it will go away. I don't want to make something worse. Last thing I need is a hairline fractured leg that turns into a major fracture, or some ligament or tendon pop off. Like what would I do then, trying to take care of all these cats on one leg, you know? Be even harder. I know that for sure.

My computer is trying to crash. When it starts this up, it's usually one or two days before THE END. Computers are nice but they take way too much maintenance. I'm no geek.


  1. that is too cute! i love your movies!

  2. Try reinstalling the operating system. I might be able to look at it if you can't figure it out.


Some Appointments

 I had some spay neuter appointments today.   I loaned traps to the large Lebanon colony lady.  We've gotten quite a few fixed already t...