Saturday, June 16, 2007

Is My Neighbor a Water Theif?

Could my unfriendly neighbor also be a water theif? When I left, to take the second set of cats to their new home, I glanced to the right and saw the unfriendly next door neighbor out power washing the sidewalk.

When I got back, I had an urge to go around to that side of the house and check the faucet. I have suspected that she might be stealing water, just as an arrogant mean thing to do.

Under the facuet and for a couple feet on each side, next to the side of my house, the dirt is wet. Unbelievable. I mean, I know she's unfriendly. If I say hello to her from even a few feet away, she won't say a word and will just turn away.

But I really thought she was just anti-social. To find out she's also a theif, is really rather scarey. She might be seriously disturbed. For the love of....what is her problem? I briefly thought about calling the cops. But, instead I took this photo of the wet dirt by my faucet. Unebelievable. I then wrapped the faucet head in about 30 feet of duct tape, put a frost sheild atop it and may set an alarm on it, because I think it'd be funny.

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