Sunday, August 30, 2009

Three More Homeless Camp Cats Caught

I've been trying to get back into the homeless camp, over in Corvallis, to finish up, for awhile. It's been hard finding someone willing to drop me off with my traps, however.

I was told there are five more adults and three kittens left needing fixed. Today I caught two of the adults, a black male and a tame black and white female. The female might be pregnant. I caught a brown tabby male kitten, too.

Just as I was leaving, I saw a second kitten scamper off through the brush.

It was an interesting time, as always. The homeless there are a crack up to be around. Yes, they had already been drinking. The story on how many cats there were left who need fixed, changed every minute, I swear, from no kittens, to five kittens, to three kittens, to four orange adults, to a watermelon colored adult, to three adult black cats, to one, with two roam in blacks, to "Jody, you got em all, they're all done, go on home now." Except I have the cats left needing fixed already memorized. What I didn't know, however, was the exact number of kittens left.

But, I got a definite "3 kittens" from one man. I got "no kittens" then "five kittens" then, finally, exact descriptions of three kittens from the same woman, depending on how alcohol affected she was at the moment. So, there you have it, most likely, three kittens. I caught one of them.

I know there is an orange tabby adult roaming in periodically who is not one of the regulars.

I know there is a big gray and white tom, once tame, once owned there, but long ago left behind.

I know there is one more black and white and one more black cat. So, if I catch the roam ins, which would be luck, there are only two regulars left to catch: the big gray and white tom and a black and white of unknown sex, who is more like a teen.

I've been told there's a calico out there, too, but I've never seen her

And I have two more kittens to catch. I'd say maybe four more cats to catch and I'm done enough.

I caught three with the help of Lorraine, who patiently dropped me and the traps off, then came back an hour later, then an hour after that, while I tried to find and catch elusive unfixed cats among those already fixed. All while trying to avoid the prevalent poison oak.

I saw Buddha's mom. My goodness she looks a world better. She has weight on her now. I saw the gray tux female and she looks excellent. I saw Fatass, the tame white and gray male.

I was told the kitten they called Shithead died. The homeless blame his death on the neuter but something went on, because she looked down when she told me about him being dead and would not meet my eyes.

She had told me a couple days after I returned him that she gave him a bath, then he got really sick and then a few days after that they found him dead. But the guys across the way told me the young couple had taken him off. My guess is somebody killed him or he had a fatal accident or I'm not being told anything near the truth about Shithead's fate.

I had to return him because one of them claimed him as his own cat. I could not legally keep him after that.

The kitten named Shithead had an extremely short time on this planet. He is the only kitten I returned and I guess I should not have returned him. I try to stay within the law in my actions however.

The woman told me she and three guys sat around one night, drunk as hell, and laughed about "Well we did ok with calling Jody on those cats. Boy did we ever. She caught em all, didn't she?"

"Wait," one guy says, "no she didn't. Look, there's more kittens, but you did good finding her number and getting it almost ALMOST but not quite done. You better get her out here again."

As she told me this story today, she mimiced herself that night in her "drunk" voice, even though she was drunk today, so there was no need to pretend. She said after her speech, that night, they were all in agreement and drank some more, very self satisfied and proud they took care of their own little overpopulation problem because they knew the right person.


  1. Poor "Shithead"...I'm not laughing anymore for him...I'm so's all so sad... ...

    veriword: priatic

  2. Yes, poor little guy.

  3. hmmmm a drunk mimicking her drunken self...sounds like a conan o'brien routine...
    r.i.p. little shithead....

  4. My heart and prayers are with you. What you are doing is remarkable and selfless.

  5. Timetravel-how can we get in touch?
    PS I live in Frederick

  6. ask jody for my email. Jody - you can give her my email. we'll take it from there lol...


Sun Coming

 Sun is supposed to come to us finally here in Oregon.   It's been pouring last few days, today included. At first, the weather stations...