Friday, September 05, 2008

Dangerous Trailer Feud

I went by the Marian trailer this morning, after dropping off five cats at the vet clinic, to be fixed. All five were from Millersburg. Two, a black medium hair adult, and a black and white teen, come from the abandoned trashed trailer. Two more come from a house on Millersburg road while the fifth hails from Millersburg Country colony.

No one answered my knocks this time at the trailer door. Stranger still, the dog, who usually goes wild inside when I knock, was silent. I thought, "where are these people?"

They are not early risers, to be sure, but still, the dog is usually going crazy in the trailer if anyone drives up.

This couple has been locked in a bitter feud with the people next door, over dogs. The neighbor has three dogs, two of them large, and they come onto the couple's property and kill their cats. They had 13 cats until the neighbors brought home the third dog. The dog immediately began killing cats. They were down to nine within days of the third dog's arrival.

Not only that, but the dogs freely roam the couple's property and have savagely attacked their own dog. But the story changed when I heard it from the girlfriend. She implied that first their dog got into a tiff with the smaller of the three neighbor's dogs, then was attacked by one or more of the neighbors dogs. The disabled elderly man, who rents the Marian trailer, has lived on the property all his life, then went off on the neighbors, bitching them out, the girlfriend told me. The neighbors screamed back.

This morning, the neighbor was out, with her dogs. She said nothing to me, totally ignored me, as the pit mix came onto the couple's property in an aggressive manner, barking at me. I was not sure what to do. The woman tried to get him to come back to their property while uttering curses against the couple who live in the trailer, calling them assholes, and people who let their cats come on their property, although her dogs are constantly on the trailer couple's property. This is all over a bunch of unfixed male dogs who fight.

The girlfriend of the trailer man asked why they fight each other. I had asked "Are any of them fixed?" "No," she said. I said, "Get them all fixed and you'll have peace." She said, even if they fixed the trailer man's dog, she didn't think the neighbors would fix theirs.

In the trap out back, sat the gray male cat, fixed Tuesday. I shouldn't have let him go, but I did. He'd a goner there, with the vicious dogs. It's hard to relocate just fixed adult males. Takes awhile for the hormones to leave their systems and in the meantime, they still want to fight and roam.

It was after that the pit mix came into the backyard while I was resetting the trap. I put a mower between him and me. I did not want to inflame an already explosive situation, so I said nothing.

The neighbor, trying to get her dog to obey her, which he wouldn't, was cursing up a storm. I had a canister of bear pepper spray ready, but I didn't want to use it. I knew it would only make matters worse. So I just pretended nothing was going to happen and the dog finally backed down and took off. But inside, I was thinking "Oh shit".

I didn't see the second male cat, not yet fixed, nor the gray and white little female kitty. Worse, I couldn't figure out where those people were, why they didn't answer my knocks, or at least, why I was not hearing their dog barking up a storm when I knocked. I began to get paranoid. I began to wonder if the neighbor against neighbor situation had exploded in the last couple of days, into violence.

More than anything, I was concerned for the safety of the final female there, a gray and white short hair, mother of the two tiny tots in my spare bedroom. Where was she? Was she the latest victim of the vicious dogs next door?

I made sure I wasn't.

Sometimes you can't save the strays from unthinkable ends. Despite both households calling one another animal lovers, their refusal to be responsible with their animals, by fixing those dogs and fixing those cats in the first place, has led to a bitter feud and so much suffering for the cats, who are not a danger to anyone.

The two kittens who died violently in the jaws of that dog were certainly innocent. The tame mother cat should have long ago been fixed. And so should all those dogs.

The trailer couple's unfixed male dog repeatedly tried to bite me on the ankle, when they invited me inside, the first day I was there, while I waited on traps I had set. I have two tooth marks on my right achilles tendon as a result. They know he bites ankles and feet, yet they invited me in and didn't warn me or keep him away from me. What the fuck?

If you're going to get an animal, only do so if you are prepared to be a responsible owner. That means fixing and vaccinating your pet, and, in the case of dogs, training them so they are not a threat to everything alive.

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