Monday, January 20, 2025

Fake Fire Help

 Just saw that a couple from Oregon were arrested inside the California fire zone.  In a fire truck and fire fighting gear.

However, he's a convicted arsonist.  

They live not far from here, near Scio and Lacomb. Roaring River is a Linn county park in Lacomb.   He bought the fire truck at auction.

He spent time in prison for arson in Wilsonville.

WTF are they doing down in a big fire zone, with his own fire truck.  A convicted arsonist.   This will be interesting.

Oregon crazies, giving us bad publicity. 


  1. Not much to say other than there are probably more out there like them.

  2. Big sigh. I have heard over here that they believe those horrendous fires are arson related.

    1. I haven't read up yet on if they've found causes.

  3. Don't worry, we have enough crazies of our own. I would think that the fires were big enough, but no. They're looking for and have arrested various arsonists with respect to the fires. Idiots. (The arsonists, not those arresting them.)

    1. I can't believe people will start fires to cause such damage and destruction. This guy however, and his wife, they are a bit beyond the usual crazy. Really really crazy I think.

  4. It's incredible. I hope they lock them up for a very long time.


Quartzville Road Scenic Byway

  If you wonder why I don't mind going up Quartzville road, here's a link to its Scenic Byway and Wild and Scenic River designation....