Sunday, November 17, 2024


No, not the kind of strikes a pitcher throws.  Labor strikes are going on.

In Albany, its the teachers on strike against the Greater Albany School District.

For higher wages, yes, but they're also striking for safer classrooms and smaller class sizes.

Some of the stories of violence are really shocking.  Student outbursts, throwing desks and chairs, biting teachers....yikes.

Partly this is because there are so many students with behavioral issues mandated a public education.   I'm not sure why teachers are forced to put  up with violent students.   If a student is violent they should get a warning and then be ousted.   One teacher described having to wear protective gear to make it less likely she'd need stitches.  Classrooms are routinely cleared while teachers deal with a student having an outburst that may or may not include violence.   Students there to learn, well how can they.  

Sometimes, I swear, in our society, parenting is so bad the parents expect the teachers to reparent and make up for their negligance. 

So, in the face of so many students with issues, the teachers want smaller class size and more one to one aides for students with severe behavioral and physical/mental disability problems.  Yes, this is expensive.   

So far, the students have been out of school for a week now.   Parents are stressed because daycare, for younger kids, while they go to work, is expensive and often eats up their entire paycheck.

Benton County employees are on strike too, over in the neighboring district.  I think that one is over wages and also safety.  The deputies and jail folks have to work regardless of strike I think.

Oregon State University graduate students, also over in Corvallis, are on strike.  They work long hours, teaching and grading, and also in research that brings the university money, and don't make much.  I think that's the reason they're on strike after a very long time in negotiations.

All three of these strikes affect taxpayers because the teachers, the Benton County employees and the graduate students are all paid by the taxpayers.

Not so with the strikes going on down in Eugene at Bigfoot Beverages and at Franz Bakery.  Here is one sentence from an article about the Franz strike, where employees are barely trained, understaffed, and overworked, often working 12 hour shifts six days a week:  

"Gettman emphasized that Local 114 union members are asking management to “be treated like human beings in this company.”"

The Bigfoot Beverages strike is getting nasty, with union strikers harrassing passers by, female employees and others.  People lose sympathy fast for violent strikers.

So that is five nearby strikes going on that I know of.  There may be others as I'm badly uninformed these days.  I think people want to be safe at work, for one thing.  For another thing, like the Franz Bakery employees, they want a work/life balance.   You don't want to sacrifice your whole quality of life for some company that doesn't give a shit about you or your family.


  1. Limitless money would solve most of these issues, but that's never an option. However, I hope there can be some satisfactory resolutions, sooner rather than later.

  2. Decades ago when I was in college, students who exhibited aggressive behavior were moved from the regular classroom to one better suited to their needs, that had a teacher who had specialized training to help them learn how to function in the larger world. In the interest of inclusion it wouldn't surprise me if that's changed.

    1. Yeah, I think inclusion has mandated all students get mixed in together, but I'm not really sure. However, you still can't let kids or adults for that matter get away with bad behavior, without consequences. How else do they learn not to do that. I bet its not nearly as simple as that.

  3. They sound like totally justifiable strikes. You should indeed be safe at work - and be properly paid. I wish them luck and am sorry that negotiations have broken down.

  4. The violent students should be in emotionally disturbed classes (that used to be a thing, but I don't see them much anymore) or should have one-to-one aides to help with outbursts and such. It's hard enough to deal with all the different learning abilities in a class without having to manage disturbed students. I have been in classes with those students. There are ways to deal with them. But that costs money...

    1. I don't know much about who is put where in our schools here. Only what I hear the teachers say on the news or online about it.

  5. That is crazy. I have seen such videos floating on the socials. Parents need to step up and raise better children. Principals need to grow a pair and kick out violent kids and people to need to understand the value of teachers and pay them their worth!

  6. How crazy! Be well, my dear.

    1. I think now at least two of the strikes are over, but not the teachers strike here in town.



 Most of us Americans cannot do any higher prices.    Stop with the tariff wars please!  What have we suddenly got against Canada?     Canad...