Monday, October 07, 2024

7 Cats Fixed

 I spent last Friday, 7 hours in all, trying to recatch Chatty and Sunny at the Gills colony.

Oh man.   Lots of sitting and it was cold and soon it was raining.  I left when the pouring rain began.

I went back in the evening.  There was a lot of boy drama.  Red was chasing Fluff.  Tabby was chasing someone.     Tabby, a fixed but FIV positive young male, best friends with Fanta, another fixed boy, sat under the drop trap eating for like 30 minutes.  Twice.  

Sunny and Chatty, the two best friends, waited off a few feet.  And waited.  And waited.   By the time Tabby was done eating, Fluff had shown up and everyone else vanished.   But then suddenly Red streaked out from under the RV to go after Fluff and nobody came around again.

I left.   Video is of the boy friends--Tabby and Fanta.  2nd video is of best friends Sunny and Chatty, who now are in my garage.

The feeder lady tried all day Saturday.   I was going to let her go at it.  In the end I went back Saturday night, with the drop trap.  We disguised it.   Sort of.   With branches and dead weeds.

The "disguised" drop trap.  Can you even see it?  Just kidding.  That's Tabby checking it out.

About three hours later, after dark, suddenly both Chatty and Sunny were under it eating together.  I yanked the cord and they were caught.  Ha!

So they're sitting in a cage in my garage.   

Tomorrow they go off with Silverton Cat Rescue barn cat placement team.

In the meantime, someone I'd helped with three kittens a couple weeks ago, caught an unfixed female, one they really wanted fixed.  They weren't after her, so I don't know how that happened, but it did.  And just as I picked her up and was driving off, they called me to say there was a kitten in their other trap.  Ok.   So now I had two extras because I'd already promised my five spots out today to an old friend, whose neighbors don't fix their cats and they end up feeding them.   They had five in all.

Whiskey, a girl

Rum a young boy.  Both are from Mill street

Here are the five from across the canal bridge in Lebanon.

Smokey is a big huge sweet male

Anyhow, long story short, I went and got the five last night and they were fixed in Salem then I took the two, the adult female and the kitten, over to Alpine.  

I didn't get a lot of sleep last night.  That's because I overdid it with the squash gleaning last Wednesday and pulled some muscle in my shoulder.  Every movement made me want to yell.  So I yelled some last night, tossed and turned, today its better.   I guess I was trying to impress the gleaners I could do the work. Ha!

Tonight I returned the five to Lebanon and then I came home and dozed in my chair.  The other two fixed today I'll return tomorrow after I take Chatty and Sunny to the barn cat folks.

Ariel, a girl

Bebe, the other girl

Blaze, a boy

Chester, a buff boy
That's the story.


  1. With your persistence, you always win in the long run.

    1. I am a little stubborn about giving up. These two, Chatty and Sunny, are likely the last cats I"ll have to relocate from the gills colony, so I wanted to get it done very badly.


7 Cats Fixed

 I spent last Friday, 7 hours in all, trying to recatch Chatty and Sunny at the Gills colony. Oh man.   Lots of sitting and it was cold and ...