Thursday, September 12, 2024

Bathroom Family Leaving Tomorrow

 Torti and her kittens are leaving here tomorrow for a Portland home.  The lady has a completely cat fenced yard so they can go outside safely once big enough. I know her.  She'll get them fixed at the FCCO, since they qualify, coming from a feral colony and the FCCO actually fixed mom cat.  

Anyhow, they're very cute kittens and very healthy too.   Boy do they love chicken.  This morning three of the kittens were sleeping in the carrier with mom but there's always that one, out and about, wanting to play.  This morning, it was Blueberry.  So I made an Imovie.  Am trying to learn all the tricks of Imovie and this time I was trying to put two different sound tracks onto one video.   

Tomorrow they'll be gone.  Back to normal here.  Or what passes for normal.

We're into a stretch of almost winter like weather.   Rain, off and on, low temps in the 60's a lot.  Goes on at least til mid week next week.   Yesterday we had downpours that drenched me to the skin so quickly!  Also some streets were briefly flooded.   And another power outage.  The usual stuff around here.  I don't know why we have so many power outages around these parts.


  1. NOTHING is better than a kitten video!

    1. Its so fabulous to be able to scroll kitten and cat videos while waiting somewhere stressful, like for a doctors appointment! Maybe social media is doing harm, but kitten videos I don't think ever harmed anyone on earth.

    2. And AMEN Hallelujah to your right on comment!

  2. How wonderful that they will have a home together.
    Our weather is all over the place at the moment. A few warm sunny days and then it reverts.

    1. I know, its awesome!!! The brothers can beat each other up their entire lives, lol. Our weather is embracing winter and I hate our weather for doing that.

  3. It's nice to get cooler weather after you had so much heat. Hopefully you'll have a few more warm days before winter actually sets in.

    1. I'd love several more weeks in low 80's. We didn't get much of that sort of weather. Seems to be extremes now. I don't like winter.

  4. It's nice that they'll be kept together. Great fun playing. You are doing well with your films now.

    1. It is good the siblings get to stay together, that generally works out so well.

  5. You did a nice job with the video. Is it hard to film while playing with the kitten?

    1. Yes, phones are terrible to film on with using only one hand. Especially if just taking photos.

  6. That's a very cute video. Well done!

  7. I don't think there such as a thing as normal.

  8. Squee! Sorry; I'm so silly. lol But adorable Blueberry also reminds me of our sweet Jezebel, rest her soul, rescued well past this age but always spirited. I miss playing hide and seek with pillows and sofa cushions. I would say, "There she is!" and she'd dive behind the next one. :D Thanks for sharing this good news and for all you do.

    1. Blueberry is a daring smart little girl kitten. She's now up in Portland and I hope will have a great life there.


Back up Quartzville

 The slide that has kept Quartzville road closed since mid December has been cleared now, as of last week.  The slide closed the road at mil...