Wednesday, July 31, 2024


 I went to Waldo today, just for a day trip.

I was going to camp out one night but couldn't get it together in time.

Day trips take so little effort by comparison.

It's a fairly quick drive, south on the freeway an hour then cutting up into the mountains for another hour, although coming home, it took me under two hours.

I was astonished at the density of wildfire smoke in Oakridge.   Really?   Why didn't I check first.   I stopped at a Subway there and asked the clerk if she knew if the smoke was worse or better up towards Waldo.  She said better.   She'd gone up to Crescent Lake the day before to help her friend get her stuff so she knew.   Crescent is now closed for the season due to the Red Fire burning Northwest of it and her friend was working up at the resort on the lake, so no more job.  I'm not sure if Odell Lake campgrounds and resort is closed too.  Maybe.

There are also fires burning north of Oakridge.

So I went on up and was glad I did. There wasn't much smoke at Waldo.  I put in at the day use area boat ramp which is perfect and easy and headed out.   First I headed to the southernmost part of the lake, which features a small island and some very nice sandy beaches.   

I passed a flotilla on the way.  Four or five guys.  One in a kayak, two in a canoe, two more on paddle boards and each boat they were on was pulling other paddle boards or rafts packed in a massive amount of gear!  Tons of it, crates, huge duffles, all strapped onto paddle boards or into rafts they towed.   I asked "How long you guys going to be out" and one guy replied dryly "a couple hours".  I cracked up laughing, couldn't help it.

I lolled at one of the sandy beaches for a long time.  It was so peaceful, not another soul in sight.  Then I decided to check out the burned west side.  Has now been two years since that fire.

South end beach, one of them

The distinct end of the burn

Two year old burn area, west side

Nothing much going on in the burn area

I've always called this cove "Far Out Cove" since its clear across the lake on the west side and now burned out.  Makes me sad because I've always loved this little cove.

Cooling my feet at Far Out Cove

Looking north and east from Far Out Cove

The dragon flies like my leg.  Some seemed to be copulating while on my leg.  Horrors!

I paddled back across the lake then and to the campground beach, which is lovely and popular.   There I laid out on my straw mat awhile, napped a bit, woke up and took a swim.  The smoke had moved in.  I could no longer see across the lake.

So, after one more swim, I paddled back south to the day use boat ramp and loaded up, drove home.
Too much smoke

I smell like a campfire, but its wildfire smoke not campfire smoke.


  1. Fire damage always makes my head and heart hurt.
    Love the dragon flies and am glad you got a day trip.

    1. Dragon flies were everywhere. Some were "hooked up" breeding while on my leg.

  2. Regardless to the loss of human and animal life, within a couple of weeks of rain, most bushland will begin to visibly regenerate and will soon be growing very vigorously. Clearly fires affect your forests much more severely.
    Anyway, you had a nice and peaceful day out.

    1. Most of our big fires are in eastern Oregon high grassland, and those will regenerate fast, but not the forests. there's still nothing on the Waldo Lake west side burn growing at all, except in the strange little spots the original fire left alone, like parts of Far Out Cove, but only little small parts. The whim of the fire and wind driving it. The north end burn, which was a long time ago, has not regenerated either.

  3. A lovely way to spend some time! I glad you were able to do it!

    1. It was lovely and deep blue colored waters of Waldo feel like they can purify. Anyhow, I'm going back up soon and will spend the night. That's if its not smokey. I like to sleep out and watch the stars in places like that. I could have easily done so yesterday, since I had a bag of trail mix and water along and a small blanket I could have slept with in the back of the car.

  4. Glad you were able to find a spot to spend the day that wasn't too smoky. I agree about camping. It's fun, but takes a lot of prep and then cleanup.

    1. I much prefer the day trips, just get up and go, no fanfare or preparation or clean up afterwards!

  5. Except for the ending, it sounds like a lovely day.

  6. Sounds like it was a nice day until the smoke rolled in. I know it's good for you to get away as much as you can. Hopefully you'll have many more day trips to take this month.

  7. Damsel and dragonflies are awesome! I've never had one land on me, though a butterfly once lapped up the salty sweat on my arm. :D And, oh, I so want to step into that video though I'd capsize us both. LOL Be well!


Not Much Going On

Monday night I was back up Quartville road, to check on the food left Saturday.   All of it was gone, which did not surprise me.  There are ...