Tuesday, July 02, 2024


 Well, we're supposed to ramp up temps end of week.

Great, eh?  Especially since there will be idiots out there shooting off fireworks.

Today it will still be in the high 70's.

The little black manx kitten went to some friends of mine Sunday.  But Monday, she had diarrhea.

She tested negative for everything, at least, so its likely stress and diet change.

Worry time, for me.  I'd imagined all the kittens, turns out there are four, would be quickly caught and then we'd catch mom and she'd take care of them for a couple weeks as they weaned.   Not the case.   The tenants trapping did catch one more, who, after a day or two of hard stools, also got diarrhea.  She's still with them.  

I finally decided to go to the lake so I wouldn't worry.   I was tired though.  I forgot the clip in kayak seat.  Oh well, turns out my kayak might be more comfortable without a seat.

I paddled maybe a mile in all.   I didn't swim.  Just tired out.  I just relaxed and even took a nap in my kayak.   How does that happen?   Well, get old, do too much, worry some, then go to the lake with your kayak and you'll find out just how easy that is.

There was one very reckless motor boater out.   He had passengers.  He'd roar to full speed then suddenly throw the boat into a high speed tight U turn.  Each time, the boat would nearly capsize from one side going under water.   His passengers would be thrown about.   What an idiot.  He did this over and over and over, until I took a short video of the boat to give the deputies so when he did capsize,  they could know what they were looking for, underwater.

The lake was nice and not an excessive number of motor boats out.   Mondays are the least busy day to go.

I bought some dry kitten food, for the tenants with the 2nd kitten and took it to them, in Sweet Home, before I came home.   I stopped in at a friends in Lebanon on the way home, too, who had her truck detailed yesterday, to see how it looked and wow, they did a good job.   She was headed off to the car wash with it.

The kayak is still in the car so I might go back up today, since it may be too hot to go for a few days after that, and probably busy since the 4th is Thursday.  I like to be home on the 4th in case the idiots (the usual suspects) start something on fire with their fireworks.  Also, my cats like to see me all normal when it sounds like a war zone outside.  Keeps them calmer about it.

I'll probably go with the neighbor to the breakfast in the park that benefits veterans I think it is.  We go every year.   It goes on four days.

I emptied the kiddie pool a week or more ago and maybe I'll fill it again this evening.  I cleaned the algae out.   Don't worry--that water didn't go to waste.  I siphoned it onto my yard bushes.

Nothing new here.


  1. I don't understand how reckless some people can be - especially on the water. Some how they think they can't get hurt there. I understand why you go to the lake. It is very pretty there.

    1. I do think there's some air that you can't get hurt on the water behaving like that but yes you can.

  2. I am so glad that you got to the lake and the idiots also present were kept to a minimum. You can keep those temperatures. Shudder.

    1. Yeah that boat was the only one behaving that way, so I can deal with one. The temperatures fry your skin rather quickly. There's no sun screening it away either, so I'll be home, enjoying AC and a book those hottest days.

  3. With boaters like that, I think of the Darwin awards, although that doesn't necessarily apply to the passengers. (Although, I wouldn't ride with that person again after that.)

    1. That boater is aching to win a Darwin! And maybe he will by the end of the 4th of July holiday weekend.

  4. The lake is looking so good. Now I don't want to encourage gun use, but would you be any good with a slingshot? When the prow of the boat is lifting out of the water, shoot a hole in it. It will be a slow leak and they'll have plenty of time to get to safety.

    1. It's great Andrew, the lake. I didn't go again today but am in the morning, prior to the extreme heat and the 4th. I thought for a minute that boat was going to come after me, so I waited patiently in case they did, about 15 feet behind a submerged rock, thinking that would do it. They were full out dumbshits behaving that way and all could have been killed but you can't fix stupid.

  5. I've kept my YMCA membership versus dealing with butt heads in boats when I want to swim. lol Stay safe and enjoy your outings, my dear.

    1. Wish I did not have the chlorine allergy, or I too would swim in a pool. Year round too. But I'm limited to summer and river, lake swims.


Quartzville Road Scenic Byway

  If you wonder why I don't mind going up Quartzville road, here's a link to its Scenic Byway and Wild and Scenic River designation....