Wednesday, June 26, 2024


 Since the 24 hour to Bend and back, I've not done a great deal.  But that's only been three days ago I got home.  Seems a lot longer.

Bob says hello, the yard stray I got fixed a few months back when his ear was all torn up.

The cats were fine when I returned, no overflowing litter boxes.  I can go for two days now, with no petsitter I realize.

I went to the lake Monday afternoon but not with my kayak, just to lay around in the sun along the shore.  I went in a few times to swim.  I had a sore back from all the labor the previous week and the long hours driving.

It was in the 70's on Monday.   It was hotter today, but I didn't sleep until late Monday night, and ended up taking a nap Tuesday afternoon, after a morning of chores, then did more chores once I woke up and now I'm up late again.  Got to get back on schedule.   But its easier to nap when its super hot out in reality.

My pool had been leaking slowly and got algae filled.  I siphoned out the water on Monday, using the hose technique.  I submerge one end in the pool.  Turn the water on at the faucet and disconnect the hose while water is running into it.  Yes, its a tad messy, water flying out every direction as I unscrew the hose, but you have to do that so there's no air in it, once the water is turned off.  Then it comes running back out from the pool.   In that manner all the bushes were watered along the house, slowly, because its a slow siphon thing.

My float tube also has leaks.  I ordered a vinyl repair kit that was supposed to come today but it didn't.  Should have just bought one at Walmart I guess.  I did wash it with soapy water and found two of the leaks.  

Probably flex tape would do the job on it.  I think I have some of that somewhere.

It won't be very warm again for at least the next week, I don't think.   70's I think for awhile.   I'll wait to fill the kiddie pool til its warmer.

The ferry I took my neighbor to ride across the willamette on was involved in a tragic accident.   A kayaker was hit by the ferry.  He'd gotten messed up, with operating a new kayak and somehow got in the path of the ferry, got hit and taken under the ferry where the propellor caught on his clothing.  He drowned.   He wasn't wearing a life jacket.   The incident had to be traumatic for the ferry operator and anyone who witnessed it.   He was a well loved family man and doctor.

Farther down the Willamette last weekend, a young woman was being pulled behind a boat on a tube designed for that.  The boat driver was turning the boat wildly and she was thrown off the tube into the side of another boat.   This killed her.  

There were at least two deadly accidents right around the reservoir last weekend also, people driving crazy fast and who knows, maybe drunk or high.  The first ended up with a young adult dead in the reservoir inside his car.  The second accident, the driver wasn't hurt much after losing control on the road around the reservoir and hitting a tree, but her passenger was thrown 30 feet from the car and is fighting for life in a hospital.  

But my neighbors, the roommates, made up from their fight, and went camping together last week and are going again tomorrow.  That's always nice, when people find a way to get along.   Makes me happy they made up and hope things remain peaceful between them.

Tomorrow I pick up the mother cat I trapped way back in early May down at Pioneer Villa.  She's been nursing her kittens in the care of Silverton Cat Rescue, but she is a wild thing.   She is done nursing those three kittens of hers, was spayed Monday and will finally get to go back home, instead of being confined to a cage with her little growing now weaned brats (oh, I know she loved them).  So I'm headed to Silverton in the morning to pick her up, then I'll drive on down to Pioneer Villa to return her and pick up my traps, which, I was told today, are there and waiting for me.

That's the little orange mom on the mobile's porch, while the mobile behind was burning in a learn to burn.   

I've still got projects that need done, mostly in the cat yard, since its ancient by now and things rot with age, as we older folks all know all too well.  I'd really like to figure out a temp cover, for half of it, for next winter, one that can be rolled back or removed in the summer.   Nine months of the year here the weather is pretty crappy so maybe half of it should be covered permanently if I can figure a way.


  1. Those were tragic accidents. People seem to forget that water and boats are dangerous and only think of them as harmless fun. I hope those deaths will not be in vain and serve as a reminder for others to be more careful.

    1. I hated reading about the victims of both the water accidents. Both victims sound like such sweet souls.

  2. Echoing Live and Learn. Lots of people drown here each year - including some quite recently in a hotel pool of all places.

    1. Oh my, how on earth? You can die so fast drowning, just head under, inadvertant draw in of breath on a frothy wavy surface, that includes water, the panic.

  3. Wow, those were some accidents. The water can be dangerous. I don't blame you for taking it easy after being so busy for a while there. Summer is a good time to just take it slow.

    1. Its nice to take it easy. I love it, in fact.

  4. The question is, do we rot from the inside out or from the outside in?
    It seems like you've had a bit of a relaxing, for a change.

    1. Hmmm, nice question, Andrew. I like laying around, could get to be habit fast.



 The cold should be gone soon, replaced by rain.  On Wednesday I believe. I don't watch the news much.   We're going through big cha...