Sunday, February 04, 2024

Black and White Cats in My Sleep

 I think I'll be seeing black and white cats in my sleep.  Trying to tell them apart over at the mostly fixed colony, from a distance, with the sun in my eyes, omg, for ten hours.  Yup. Ten hours I sat there.  The lady who feeds them got 12 spots Wednesday at the FCCO for them.  Due to the difficulty trapping there, I had to start early.

The water level in the darn ditch was down, thank goodness.  I took a bridge anyhow so my feet would stay dry.   

Same old problems trying to trap there as I had two years ago.  Nonstop traffic and nonstop people and dogs going by.   Also, a new one, people parking along the road to let their dogs out to run in the sports fields.   Poor kids playing soccor there, I thought, sliding along on dog poop.  The loose dog people don't pick up after their dogs either.

Then there were the nasty people.  A little old lady would drive by in a white car and give me a look of complete disgust each time.  The old man in the white kia had to pull along side me, shake his finger, point at the No Parking sign.  Hmmm.  I must have been the ONLY one parking along there who actually had permission to do so, from the parks department.  The dog unloaders didn't, that's for sure.  

The old man came by again, this time to make his point in roaring anger, yelling at me to shut up when I told him I was a volunteer and had permission to park here.  I finally told him to "Fuck off".   There's a point I just won't take it anymore off people like that.  He drove right by a guy who'd parked along the road to let his dog out to run.   Go figure.  The old Kia guy seemed abnormally control freaky and angry.  Who stops twice to harrass someone parked along a road.  Wasn't the first time enough?  I would think it would be.  I began to watch the road for him, wondering if he has a gun and next on his "to do" list--shoot the volunteer.

It's so fun to volunteer and be the target of mean people.

I hate daytime trapping.  There were some nice folks too.

Two big unfixed boy cats came along and all the other cats vanished.  Cats I thought were ear tipped, peering through decades old binoculars and a dirty windshield, with the sun hitting them, I wasn't so sure about.  I went through the list I'd made yesterday, in my mind, of the 27 cats I'd taken to be fixed from this same colony two years before, trying to remember their exact black or white markings.  Until I was about cross eyed from staring.  Then I thought to hell with this.  I'm just going to trap the ones again I'm not sure about, if they're ear tipped or not, to get a nice close up view.  I'll wear my reading glasses when I look too.  Getting old.  But really, some of the ear tips are so small or slanted, they're useless.

I caught five unfixed ones in all.  Took me ten hours.   I do not like trapping there.  There's nowhere to hide, from the people or the cats.   I become a target for all who pass by and have their own issues and take them out on me.  "Probably a criminal" they think.  "Why is she just sitting there?  Bet she's doing drugs."   I can tell them what I'm doing but it doesn't stick because its not what they want to think about someone sitting in a car all day in one spot.  They don't want think she's doing something good.   That's no fun at all.

Ah to hell with people anyhow.   Most worthwhile things take effort, like sitting in a car ten hours to catch five unfixed cats that are not even minet just to help those cats out and to help out the people nearby too.    Who does that?  Of course its abnormal.  

Here are some photos anyhow.

Caught this guy

I put out catnip to loosen up their inhibitions also to keep them from remembering or caring when another cat is caught.  I was using a remote control on my trap, since so many are already fixed.

The long hair black, who has no ear tip, went wild over the catnip.  It was so funny.  He was rolling around.  I caught him a few minutes later after I took this video.

This is Mr. Problematic.  I called him that because when he'd show up, all other cats vanished.   I finally caught him too, but not the big Lynx Point male, Mr. Blue Eyes.

The orange guy is taking a drink in the icky ditchwater beside my makeshift bridge.

Anyhow I'm happy to be home and I happy I caught five.  I know of three or four more that are not fixed whom I've seen.  But there could be even more.  It's just takes forever there.    


  1. I admire your tenacity! We don't seem to have as many strays as we used to--- Coyotes perhaps. A neighbor's cat prefers our yard, probably because there's no Doberman here to worry about.

    1. Probably correct that its coyotes. Birds of prey kill a lot here too, especially light colored ones. That's how Gigi came to live mostly in my garage, from the neighbors behind me who just quit caring for her. So they have a doberman. I'd be running for the neighbors yard too.

  2. The cat was sure enjoying the catnip. That sounds like a terrible day of trapping. You are truly dedicated.

    1. It's never fun there, so exposed, nowhere level enough for a drop trap, the ditch.

  3. You have way more patience than I do.

    1. I've been told I have the patience of a cat.

  4. Apparently those people decided you're homeless or doing drugs (or both), and anything you told them was an excuse in their eyes. Sigh. You just can't with some people.

    1. No, one often can't win and maybe its not important really because the cats won big in this one, I think, at least. I'm taking 11 today up to be fixed. Road trip with cats.

  5. I wish we could legally trap caustic humans and put them somewhere, shall we say... unpleasant. It takes so much less energy to be kind, anyway. Idiots... Meanwhile, I'll turn 55 in a few weeks and my body aches just thinking about ten hours spent that way. Hugs, my dear.

    1. Oh my the big 55. I've got over a decade on you, Darla! You are a young un.

  6. I does seem like an awful place to trap. Normal issues piled with extra issues.

    1. Well in the end I caught 8 there and got three more from a shop other side of fence.


Ten Cats Fixed Yesterday in Portland

 The FCCO clinic yesterday was a training clinic.  The FCCO, in conjunction with United Spay Alliance, is training vets who are interested i...