Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Hello Qatar

 I received notification today of a donation to Happy Cat Club from a woman who runs a shelter in Qatar.

She reads my blog, she said.   Carmen, THANK YOU!

Also immediately I began to google map tour Qatar.   As most of those who read here know, I rarely get out of my little Oregon town bubble unless I'm taking cats to be fixed in Portland or to the coast clinic.   It seems very exotic to be connected in any way to a place so far away.

I know very little about Qatar or actually most places outside of Oregon.   I have a curiosity however.

Yesterday I map toured places in Australia for instance, near Cairns, after EC posted about a lady blogger who lived there once.  There are so many beautiful places on this planet.  Cairns has fresh and saltwater crocs!  I do not know if I could go in water where there might be crocs lurking.  I do love being in the water.  I also google map toured the area in south Australia where recently a 15 year old surfer was killed by a great white.

We had a small wind event here in the night, but nothing of note and nothing near what we often get in winter storms.   The Cascades however are being smothered in snow and that will continue through the weekend, making many people very very happy who like to ski and board in the mountains.  My neighbor, the truck driver, was caught in it, his roommate told me, but holed up at a Love's truck stop to wait it out and I think the highway he was driving, opened again.  Here, now, only more pounding rain.   We had record breaking rain in December and looks like January will be no different.  El Nino weather pattern.

I gave the ranger my spots to fill for the Hillsboro trip Thursday.  OFOSA, a shelter there, is doing a feral clinic.  He had cats around his place of residence, five or six, and said he'd catch them himself.   I met him when I got cats fixed at the State Heritage site near Shedd.   Those now are all fixed.   I think he's caught three so far.  Two more kittens, brothers who showed up in rural Millersburg, will be fixed if the lady catches them tomorrow.  I can take up to six but I'm not so sure the sixth cat will be caught.  I'm excited to get out of town for a day, even if its a road trip with cats.

I think I'm getting a few spots Monday, too, in Salem.   I got an email from the clinic, about cancellations and immediately said yes, I'd take them, but I didn't see the email until late yesterday.  I'm hoping it wasn't too late to get those spots.  

Otherwise I'm only doing projects around the house.  I never run short of those.   I made lentil soup for the week too.  I added roasted butternut squash to the batch I made yesterday.  Lentil soup is very comforting, delicious, nutritious and affordable.   

Thank you again Carmen for the help!  


  1. Care for animals is world wide. Just tonight I watched a tv news story about the rehousing of bears in Vietnam who were once milked of bile. It was banned but still goes on privately on a very small scale.

    1. I used to have now and then contact with two different Morocco rescues. They're very dedicated. Yes, its worldwide, thank goodness. I watched a documentary last night about the animal and birdlife of the Arabian peninsula.

  2. You might like the game Tradle. It is Wordle like except you have to guess a country. They give you the country's products, you make a guess, and then they tell you how far away you are from the correct country and in what direction. My son recently introduced me to it, and surprisingly I can usually find the answers. That is if I use an atlas. Otherwise, my geography knowledge is not very good. My husband, however, can play without an atlas.

    1. Got to try that one, thank you L and L.

  3. Wonderful news about a donation from Carmen. And in fact a good news post. I am a big fan of lentils too.

    1. Lentils are so versatile! You can make fake meatloaf with them too.

  4. Ah, so you're getting the El Nino wet. I keep hearing it's an El Nino year, but we're not getting that much in the way of rain.

    1. Very wet. Rain today was nonstop.

  5. I just made a pot of split pea soup and lentils work in it, as well. :D It's such a versatile dish eaten cold in hot weather or heated with hot sauces, crackers or bread, and even meat bits. Your meatloaf idea reminds me that I want to make black bean/quinoa burgers again. Heh... Best wishes!

    1. Oh I love split peas too and I also put a dash of hot sauce in soup.

  6. We eat a lot of lentils and beans around here.

    1. I can't eat all beans without some consequences. But I also love black eyed peas, with a passion, and lima beans.

  7. Looks like some VERY cold temperatures over the weekend and beyond--- Stay warm.

    1. They're still guessing as to whether we get snow here or freezing rain or nothing but no doubt about the cold coming tomorrow evening and night and beyond.

  8. I thought I'd commented. ~scratches head~ Anyway, I am happy whenever things go your way, financially or otherwise. ~hugs~ We've been devouring my pot of curried split pea soup, to which I sometimes add lentils; the variability is almost endless. :) I often add a homemade hot sauce and a few crackers. In summer, it's actually tasty cold, too. While we're expecting high winds I don't know about the snow my husband said to expect. I *do* know that exploring places online (and even looking at real estate website properties!) is fun. Be well, my dear.

    1. Oh I've been gone so didn't approve new comments til tonight. I so much love soup in the winter. Tomorrow I'm making a big pot to last through some really cold weather we're about to have.



 Finally, my mysterious massive black tux yard stray, Pietro, is fixed and back with his people. He's come through the yard for maybe a ...