Saturday, November 18, 2023

Can't Keep Up

 I can't keep up on who is hating who or why.

What a bunch of gobbley gook it all is to me.

I like people or don't like people for simple reasons.  Do they like cats?  Are they interesting to be around?  Are they funny?   Do they by chance want to go rafting or kayaking or reservoir swimming or hiking?  Or to a movie maybe? Do they insult other people or me for no reason?   Do they cause drama, try to control me or others, etc.

I have no idea what a persons country of origin is.    Why am I supposed to know or care, I think to myself.   If they're in America I consider them Americans.   

If someone's skin is brown I still don't know if they're from Mexico or India or a combo of places originally.  Wtf.   Who cares.   Nobody asks me what country my ancestors or even me come from.   Is that because I look white?   All I know is from what a couple relatives who have done a bit of geneology say and that would mean I would have about 10 or 12 origin spots, we're so mixed together by now.  Colors melt and merge as we mingle and intermarry.  It's about the last thing on my mind when I meet someone or pass someone on the street.   So is someone's religion or bedroom habits or anything else.  I like or dislike people based on things like are they kind to animals, fair minded, fun, etc.

Can't we just be simple?

I really don't know anything about most of the wars going on in the world either.  I don't like to think about them, the destruction, suffering of children, animals. If I see images of wounded, I can almost feel the ripping pain.  I can't do anything about the wars, sorry to say.   I often don't know who is right or wrong.  

I don't like to be overly involved in politics either.   It tore apart my own family long ago.   I don't see political fighting and division as much good for much of anything.   When I see people abandon the particulars, when they fumble and resort to personal attacks, I think those people are lousy.

I do love to go to the lake in the summers to get away and get out in nature.   I am fighting for that out of my own sheer panic over losing what gives me most joy but also from practicality.   The costs outweigh the benefit of what the environmentalists sued the corp over to begin with.  Ruining our river and reservoirs, costing local residents more, in water, maybe power, redrilling wells and the psychological impacts of our recreational losses for what?   This won't cure the salmon decline sorry to say. 

I still have this belief it will all be the same come May.  There will be enough rain to refill Green Peter and then Foster from Green Peter.   I look at the photos of what is left of Green Peter and realize that's just probably a pipe dream but I can't let it go.   It can't be all gone, my summers on the lake, the county parks and campgrounds along Green Peter and Foster, the clean clear river I have known for so long from Green Peter on down clear to Albany.   


  1. I hear you. Haters will find excuses (not reasons) to hate, and I don't want to have anything to do with them. How people behave (to animals and each other) matters MUCH more to me than where they come from. And I don't give a rats about other people's sex lives. I do follow politics and am ashamed. The world over.

    1. Who the fuck would, is what I wonder, be obsessed with what other people do in bed? That's really a little bit twisted. Well I know we have politics, ways of government and I admire people wanting to get involved as long as they're not in it to control our lives or make more wars or benefit themselves and rich friends, or really should be in jail or a mental ward, which probably, in totality, describes most politicians sadly.

  2. You can guess that I agree one hundred percent. :( All the hate and suspicion makes wealthy a-holes richer, I guess. Follow the money, right?

    1. Must be that--the money. I see all these articles, this group hates that group, or what group is being targeted for hate crimes.

  3. Okay, now I'm grinding my teeth. lol Be well, my dear.

    1. What are you grinding your teeth over? I had to make a nightguard over teeth grinding at night.

    2. Anger makes me grind my teeth. lol You *made* a nightguard? That's awesome. I could learn a lot from your DIY spirit. :D

  4. I feel the same way about people. If they treat me with respect I will reciprocate.

  5. I have recently started to avoid the news, both locally and national/internationally. I just can't handle all of the suffering and negativity. Me being upset does not help any of the situations. I say hold onto your hope. You never know what tomorrow will bring.

  6. Yeah, I never pay attention to nationality, either. We have so many different types of people in my area, I'd never be able to keep up. People are people.



 Finally, my mysterious massive black tux yard stray, Pietro, is fixed and back with his people. He's come through the yard for maybe a ...