Monday, August 28, 2023

Summer is Dying

 This week we're only supposed to be in mid 70's.   Feels like summer is over before even the end of August.

I have many regrets, like not doing much of anything.   I haven't even been to the lake many times and in August only once.  Partly because I became overly involved with helping cats and people out.  To then be trashed by some of them for whatever reasons.  Was it a waste to help them with cats then?  Not for the cats, that's for sure.

Like the lady I've helped with nearly 20 cats so far, who suddenly without warning yesterday decides I've "cooled" off on her and it must be because she works for the shelter.  First she said she adored me and in same message said I must be one of those who refuses to "work with" someone who is with a rescue they don't like.  It was a bunch of bullshit and uncalled for.    That's life.  I'm a simple person.  I just thought she was a nice lady who needed help badly getting her cats fixed.  

Yeah I dislike a lot of the big shelters, with high paid directors, making money off tragedy, and not working to solve the root issue through spay neuter programs for their own people who work and volunteer for them, or their own community.   There's a lot of that going around.

The other reason I haven't gone to the lake much is my fear of finding no parking when I get up there.  And the $7 fee for parking.    It's been extra jammed with people due to the drawdown of the reservoir above it, for the fish people's lawsuit.  By a few days after next weekend, Labor Day holiday, Foster will be drawn down too.  So there's only a little over a week left to try to get up there.

Over the weekend lonliness got to me.  It really sucks to not have anyone to do anything with or even call to chat with.

Anyhow, thankfully Ricky goes home tomorrow.  He's eating just fine but I'll give him one more day.   He's no longer happy to be in a cage in the garage, which is a good sign.

I took down the kiddie pool yesterday, after washing it.  I only used it a handful of times, then had to drain it because it got algae growth in it.  So its been sitting out in the driveway empty for weeks.  It was time to wash it, dry it and put it away. So I did.  I had a headlight out in my car too and changed that and had to also add oil.  I've got to get another power window switch.  Sometimes the driver side power window switch for the passenger side works and sometimes it doesn't work, which is a problem, when the window won't close.   I used to be able to close it with the passenger side switch at least but now its not working at all, and its trim component that holds it in place has broken. Those trim pieces, just plastic, they want over $50 for that tiny piece of plastic online.  The driver side entire switch replacement set is under $25.  So I'll have to rig something for the trim piece so it stays in place. 

The blank spot where my kiddie pool had been

Yellow jackets are out and angry, had to put up a trap

The long term weather outlook is just a decay in daily temps even back into the 60's.  The long gray might begin early this year.

Cat yard cats!

I read the very last Inspector Montalbano series book.    I loved the series until that book, where Camilleri, the author, was in his 80's and wrote it to finish off the series.   I was interested to see how he'd end it, but very disappointed.  He inserted himself into it, although not by name.  Throughout the book, and complex plot that was never solved, Montalbano got calls from "the author" on how the investigation should go, knowing what was going on with it, without being present in the plot of usual characters.  I thought ok this is going to be whacky and not the ending I'd hoped for.  I'd hoped maybe Montalbano would finally marry his long time girlfriend or leave her and retire or something, be killed, anything.   But no, Camilleri mocked the readers and his own created characters by "erasing" them, or rather he Montalbano decide to erase himself, at the end.  Well, you'd have to read it to understand.  I felt cheated and only skimmed the last several dozen pages.


  1. Sorry to hear that your summer didn't go as planned. For me, it's disappointing to set goals and then not meet them.

    1. I just had hoped to have some fun times with other people I think, and never could connect to do much with anyone at all. I had hoped I could do things with the new neighbors but they cancelled last second every time. Sigh. At least I tried. I'm old and never know if this is my last summer to enjoy, before dropping dead or health issues. I suppose the most obvious thing that gets in my way is money, don't have any, so in reality, I am limited to what I can do that's free or super cheap and nearby. In that regard, I did go to the lake a few times. And I had two beautiful nights/days at Waldo Lake.

  2. You have had a difficult time of it - and people have often been the cause of those problems. Thank you for keeping on - and I do hope you can get to the lake at least one more time this summer.

    1. Well, today dawned completely overcast and cool. I had plans to go today. Not sure if its clouds or smoke.

  3. What pretty kitties! I'm sorry you didn't get to do as much as you'd like this summer *and* have to deal with bewildering idiots. ~hugs~ I also understand about disappointing books, including older authors inserting themselves. ~shakes head~ After winning grocery store gift cards I treated myself to a $10 (!) paperback only to be disappointed.

    The protagonist in "The Husbands" proved insufferably whiny, her story predictable, and the author tossed in annoying social media thread-lines. Meanwhile, interesting plot points ended up boring. I need to start writing again. lol Best wishes, my dear.

    1. Oh man, I hate to pay for books and have them really terrible. Its like like paying to go to a movie, and that is unbelievably expensive now, then finding its a total dud.

  4. I often feel a let down at the end of summer because I haven't done many summer things. This year is not different. I guess it all relates to the feeling of freedom I had as a kid in the summer when I wasn't in school. It's not always fun being a grown-up with every day responsibilities.

    1. I feel a let down end of summer cause there's nothing to do all winter here, in the rain.

  5. So, it's a let down all around. While you're cooling off, we're heating up. We're in the 90s today and tomorrow. This is the time of year for us, though, so I'm not surprised.

    1. Yeah, the forecast has deteriorated even more and we'll get rain many days this week, with Thursday allegedly a soaker.

  6. Finding event for us low income people can be a struggle. Any event over $20 I find it difficult to afford. And usually I don't go.
    Coffee is on and stay safe.

    1. I don't really go to events because of crowds but I wish even camping was cheaper. Parking fees, camping fees, gas prices---means lots of people can't do much of anything. I'd never be able to afford even one night in a hotel.


No Gleaners

 I wanted badly to go to Gleaners yesterday.   I couldn't go however. They have strict rules about arriving sick.   I'd hoped the mi...