Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Lousy Weather

 I returned the two huge boys this morning, unsure if there'd be snow in Sweet Home.  The weather around here is unbelievably cold and wet, the coldest and wettest for decades, with low elevation snow again.

There seems to be no end to winter this year.

Howdy, the gray tabby, pooped on the way up there, which is not uncommon.  When you gotta go, you gotta go, but my eyes were watering by the time I got home, from the stinky traps.

I have no new news about the Bird Lady's condition.  I contacted one of her neighbors who also knew nothing.   She said there had been talk of a nursing home for her.   

Two ducks appeared in my driveway the other morning.  I haven't seen them since, but I can't really see that side unless I make a point of looking.

The drake has a speckled breast.

Ebony is up at Cat Adoption Team in Sherwood and so far, doesn't have a home, but is looking good.   Well never mind on the link, it now leads to a page that says he has been adopted.  Congratulations Ebony, I hope the home you got is a great one with someone who has a ready lap.  Ebony loves more than anything else to lay across a lap, at least he loved it here.  I know I didn't know him that long, but....I loved him during his time here and want his life to be good.

I am scrambling these days to keep the nonprofit, Happy Cat Club, funded.   The first three months of the year saw a vast increase in the number of cats from this county whose caretakers got them into the Salem clinic's TNR program.   It's not free for our county's cats, costs $43 per cat.  I have a partnership program there called the Linn County Cat Fix Fund.  Instead of owners being charged, the clinic bills Happy Cat Club.  I am uninvolved except for paying the bill.   A grass seed farmer once told me "if its free and easy, people will do it themselves".  I started the program with a donation from a different grass seed farmer.  That was just as the pandemic started, which shut it down for awhile.  Still almost 300 cats have now been fixed through the program.

In the first three months of this year, 55 cats have been fixed through the Linn County Cat Fix Fund.  The cost to fix the 55 cats in those three months came to $2,365.00.  Meanwhile, donations have withered to just a handful of dedicated donars.   I appreciate every single one of them.  Three are bloggers---Andrew, Snowbrush and Elephant's Child.   Anyhow, getting a bit concerned I may not be able to fund the program much longer but will keep on trying, that's for sure.  Because, when I get those bills, I celebrate, to think more cats from this county have been fixed.   


  1. I really, really hope Ebony finds his forever home soon. If I lived closer he would join our household in a heart beat.

    1. He'd love you two so much, and also the younger boys.

    2. He got a home!

  2. Money is tight, I would guess lost of non-profits are stuggling.
    Coffee is on and stay safe.

    1. That's true, Dora. I talked to two of them yesterday and they confirmed theirs are also way down.

  3. You know, you should set up a YouTube channel or something. Maybe a TikTok where you show off the cats, how you find them, what you do. Cute cat videos are popular. It might be a way to get word out there and get more donations.

    1. I do have a youtube site although I've not posted to it in a long time. Look up Catweedhigh, that was my user name. It's easier to get donations when you are taking in cute little kittens but I don't do that anymore. I'm looking into some local grants. What I do is incredibly helpful to the entire community and everyone who knows about it knows that. Money is very tight right now. I talked to two other nonprofits yesterday who said their donations are way down too.

  4. It makes me so angry that some people discount older cats. They are awesome, too. Thank you for struggling on. ~hugs~ Best wishes, my dear.

    1. Old cats are awesome! I have a house full. I'm so sorry about your sweet girl's end of days. But then I think, like the bird lady's life, she had a great life too.


15 Cats

 I'm taking 15 cats up to be fixed at the FCCO in the morning. 9 are from the 12th street Lebanon colony while the other six are from th...