Sunday, January 01, 2023

Lackluster New Year

 I was in bed by 8:30, reading.   Take that all you celebrants today hangovering.

Andrea had given me a bag of goodies that included a wee bottle of cinnamon fireball in a cellophane with a packet of hot cider.  And another with teensy bottles of Bicardi Rum and Pina Colada mix.  So I mixed those last two on ice, in a glass and drank the resulting 1/2 cup of liquid down in two swallows last night.

This was just before I went out to ask if a man leaning over an opened car hood needed more light.   He was trying to fix the broken down car of someone associated with the car lot people.   What a good friend, to be out there on New Year's Eve like that.  He held up the car battery positive cable, which dripped out white powder when he did so, and said, "I think she needs a new cable".     The cable was powderized for at least four inches.     Whoa!

Eventually I saw the lights come on in the formerly curb decor car and it drove off.   

I could find nothing to watch on TV.   I made a plate of green olives stuffed in feta cheese, pomegranite seeds and yellow pepper pieces plus a dip and had a nice dinner.  Olives are my latest food obsession.   Well, have been for years.  But I found the jars with stuffed olives recently at the store.  I've always loved pomegranites.   I remember my mother buying me one once as a treat, telling me she remembered how much I like them.    They're available here only during a few months of the winter.

I was in bed, yes, a little sad to admit, by 8:30.    

The long gray stretch from January to end of March begins.  By end of March we think spring should be showing some signs of arrival with hope of sunny warm days in maybe late spring.  Yeah right.  Long way to summer sun still.  Last year it poured clear up to the 4th of July.  


  1. We also had a very quiet New Year - which is the way I like it.
    I hope that the year to come brings you, your cats, and the cats you assist, nothing but good things.

    1. Lol, what a fantasy, EC (nothing but good things in the new year). But I sure wish life was more like that. Except chaos and difficulty are ok, I've found, long after they pass.

  2. I went to bed at 10:30 pm but was woken at midnight by fireworks. My husband slept right through them.

    1. Yeah, the any good excuse to fire off fireworks, mostly illegal ones, is still going strong around here.

  3. I'm still in isolation, but I stayed up to watch the ball drop. And then I read. Books are cool. And it sounds like you had a very nice night in.

    1. Right now I'm reading Inspector Montalbano detective books by Andrea Camilleri. I like them. They're not all powerful can do anything and everything he man detective books, which I rather hate. The Inspector is quite the self doubter and the books are humorous, although the crimes he investigates, something of a sub plot to all the inspector's personal relationship issues, are not humorous. I'm always hungry when I read Inspector Montalbano books wondering what delicious food he will eat at Enzo's or that his housekeeper has made and left for him. He is often bored and obsesses over signs of aging.

  4. I've often wondered about the bottled olives in supermarkets. I will ask Household Management to buy some.

    1. They're a little bit salty but I rinse them and rid some of that.

  5. Those olives sound interesting.

    1. I wish I could find more variety, but, I live a long way from where olives are grown and relished.

  6. Our New Eve was quite also. I finish reading a book and was in bed around 10
    Coffee is on and stay safe

    1. Reading and getting good sleep is a great way to start off the new year.


Quartzville Road Scenic Byway

  If you wonder why I don't mind going up Quartzville road, here's a link to its Scenic Byway and Wild and Scenic River designation....