Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Christmas on Hold

 I haven't sent out even a single Christmas card.

I already told my brothers I"m not doing Christmas this year.  No gift exchange.

I spent my money on car repairs.  Now the darn car is acting up again.  This time the acceleration hesitation happens at higher speeds, if I slow down, like if a lane is closed ahead or traffic is congested, then try to speed up again.

I keep thinking, this has to be bad gas, but I have no idea.  Been going on for a week.  It's not a huge problem yet.   

I trapped 11 cats yesterday up at the Sweet Home colony.  Three are already fixed there, caught two of those too.  They're holding the two fixed ones caught inside until the rest are caught.  They think there are maybe two left needing caught.  I saw one of the two last night, before giving it up and coming home.

Tomorrow I take them to the FCCO clinic to be fixed.  Yup, long cold day sitting in the car somewhere tomorrow.  I can't drive to Portland, drive home, drive back up to pick them up.  Too far and too much, with the congested freeway, on me, my finances and worse, on my car.  After I return them, I'm done for the month.

I don't have any OHSS clinic spots in January.  They say nobody is getting appointments because they're calling all the people whom they didn't call back who have called, for TNR appointments, in the last year.  I know some of those people who did call, but so far none of the ones I know have been called back.  So, you know, no clue what's going on.  At first we were told we'd get no appointments until they updated their software.  Now its a different story as to why.  I'm not optimistic I admit.

So this month has felt like a last fling.   That's why I've worked so hard this month.  Right now, outside of helping three folks next month lucky enough to get FCCO appointments, nothing else.


  1. Too bad about your car issues. You should find something interesting to do in Portland.

    1. I wish I could think of something to do in Portland. It's freezing and most things to do cost. Usually I'm too tired to do anything but try to sleep in my car.

    2. They used to have $5 matinees at the regal cinema, but those are long gone, as are most matinees. I saw a lot of first run movies that way, while I waited on cats, before that ended.
      I walked a lot of nature trails in the area. I don't go too far from the clinic now because of heavy traffic and I want to be able to get back on time.

  2. I am sorry about your car issues. And the FCCO issues too.

    1. Ah, its just a long drive and to avoid two long drives in one day I need to stay up there during the day. Finding somewhere comfortable up there to relax, nap, with bathroom near, is not easy.

  3. Consider January a break. I bet a couple spots will open up for you last minute, but perhaps you can just take a break before you go to it again.

    Sorry about the car. That sucks. Gift giving is such a hassle anyway.

    1. Yes, it is, a hassle, but I kind of enjoy it when I have some extra money. Really enjoy picking out things and sending them to people and they probably don't get used but I never pay much for a gift to send someone I don't know that well.

  4. There's always a library you can go into while you're waiting if you know where one is in Portland. There's plenty to do there and you wouldn't be the first person to take a nap in a library if you needed a little rest.

  5. I like L & L's idea. I've been looking on Google maps around the FCCO; my head is spinning. The search on SW Moody Ave parking lot tells me nothing about its costs or policies. I'm a suburban girl through and through but even Dayton, Cincinnati, and Indianapolis IN seem easier to navigate. Best wishes, my dear.


Quartzville Road Scenic Byway

  If you wonder why I don't mind going up Quartzville road, here's a link to its Scenic Byway and Wild and Scenic River designation....