Wednesday, October 19, 2022

The Five Fixed Monday

 I took five cats up to be fixed on Monday. 

Four were from the RV park up above Sweet Home.  Makes 13 fixed this latest time around there.  And four small kittens removed.

There are more needing done.  



Kitty, the darling teen boy from the front of the park and best friends with Turbo, the gray teen boy, the first fixed from there this time around.

This is Squeeky, the big boy

The two ladies who live in one corner had traps I had loaned them and were supposed to feed in them then catch the final tabby.   The wilder tabby did not get caught. They did put the tame big boy Squeeky into a trap and caught the four smaller kittens, who are about seven weeks old, and the two remaining teenagers.  The black teen, Munchy, is tame and one of the ladies wants to make him her house cat, inside her trailer.  The other is Tippy, the orange teen, who had an upper respiratory.

They caught Tippy the orange teen on Saturday.  And one of the four smaller kittens.  So up I went to get them.  I put ointment in Tippy's eyes from Saturday on and he quickly got better.  I vaccinated the little black male too, flea treated and wormed.  Karen in Portland had found someone to foster the four smaller ones.  That's a big huge deal given the full state of all rescues and shelters.   Four kittens who will not grow up to be adults in that tiny RV park is a big deal too.

One of the four smaller kittens.  I'd just put ointment in his eyes. 

Tippy on the right, one of his smaller cousins on left.  

Munchy the black tame teen was much sicker than his brother Tippy.   

  I wasn't sure the clinic Monday would fix Munchy, but they did and gave both him and Tippy and the big black and white tame male all convenia injections.  I was happy about that, even though four convenia injections Monday, including one given the little female from the W. Holly colony I caught later Sunday afternoon when I knew there'd be no more caught at the RV park, cost my nonprofit $60.

Besides the two teens and the big black and white male from the RV park, I caught the black teen boy, Kitty, from another spot in the park.   He was much healthier.

It was at that point I went over to the other colony, of 15 or 20 unfixed cats, with only one so far fixed, and quickly caught the little black teen girl Morphius.  That's what they named her quickly for the records anyhow.

Morphius, a girl

   The four seven week old kittens from the RV park, two all blacks, two tabbies, left here yesterday for Portland.  I returned Squeeky and Kitty to the RV park yesterday morning and Morphius to her colony.  Tippy and Munchy, the two teen boys with colds, are in my bathroom and will remain there until probably Friday, since tomorrow my car goes to the shop and I don't know when I'll have it back to return them.  They're both much much better this morning.  I took three showers yesterday alone, to provide steam in the bathroom, to help their congestion.

Sure wish there were more spay neuter spots available to just get these two places all fixed, without these multiple very stressful trips up there.   It is what it is and the state of being currently for animal care in Oregon is very very dire.   Extremely limited low to no cost spay neuter available in the entire state.

I was once again shocked by prices yesterday.  I'd run out of laundry soap and I do a lot of laundry with cats.  A jug or box of free and clear (no perfumes, dyes) was like $17 at Grocery Outlet.  At Bimart I found a smaller container for $9.  The larger boxes there were $13.   You'd think detergent lacking perfumes would cost less than those to which they add them in, but no.   I hate smelly laundry soap perfumed clothes and blankets but they really bother the cats.  If I can smell something, the cats really really can smell it.

I'll be so happy when the election is over.   The ads are viscious and also contain so many blatant lies.   Makes me want to cough up a hairball.   Saturday I finally checked my mail.  I don't check it much because its just bills and junk mail.   Why would I want to get more of either.   10! slicks, heavy paper color ads, for one candidate alone, some Republican running, I don't know for what or where.  They go straight to the recycle bin or I use them to line traps.   I get a twisted joy over using election slicks to line traps.   I can't stand the thought of the millions upon millions donated to make those things, good money that could do so much real work, wasted on politics.


  1. Excellent work - as always.
    I am always frustrated (and annoyed) at how much extra it costs to buy things without common additives.
    Like your uses for political advertising too.

    1. The election slick trap liners are my private rebellion, my "get back" at politics. The promises that spout from their mouths never ever seem to produce anything more than tainted hot air. Most of us just try to keep on surviving around them, and their ambitions.

  2. Once again, I'm impressed with you work and how you keep the cats all straight. As always, I'll be glad when this election is over and I don't have to see or listen to any more ads.

    1. I think we will all be very happy when the election is over. Thanks on the cats.

  3. My daughter takes care of a rather large population of feral cats where she lives (about 30). She feeds them twice a day every day, takes them to the vet for shots, spay and neutering, etc and loves them. Most of them come to her and she has them all named. It's just amazing how much love she has for all of them. I always admire anyone with a purpose to help animals in need, Kudos to you!

    1. Thank you Mildred and welcome. Sounds like your daughters colony is well cared for.

  4. I once reprimanded my father when I was about six for cleaning up my baby brother's mess using the front page of a newspaper with a large photo of then state premier Sir Henry Bolte. Knowing a little more about politics now, I thoroughly approve of my father's cleaning material. I've noticed the same with other products where it is more expensive to not have the additives. I am not keen on perfumed detergents either.

    1. It's become my passive aggressive election year act of rebellion--the trap liner use for election slicks. I enjoy doing it. For some reason, it makes me feel happy.

  5. Is there some way you could order the detergent online? Although, that might not be any cheaper. Prices are ridiculous lately.

  6. Well done helping these precious creatures. ~hugs~ I'm with you on political spending. Ugh... Take care, my dear.

    1. Thanks, yeah and I can't even stand the thought of all the money thrown into political races. I know its at the discretion of the people who have that money to spend it like they want and donating to politicians is a big deal to some. My nonprofit has received donations at times from people who then have specific demands later on, that I come get cats etc, like the donation comes with strings attached. I can only imagine what someone expects of a politician after they might donate a million dollars. Donations often do come with strings and expectations, especially big ones. When I get a gift, I feel like I should give a gift back. Like at Christmas. So.....politics is tainted from the start I figure.

  7. Around here Grocery Outlet is best price for Kitty Litter.
    Coffee is on and stay safe


Quartzville Road Scenic Byway

  If you wonder why I don't mind going up Quartzville road, here's a link to its Scenic Byway and Wild and Scenic River designation....