Wednesday, September 07, 2022

Stray Appointments

 When I get sudden unexpected appointments, I call them stray appointments.

I got offered up to five, late yesterday afternoon.

However, I didn't see the email from the clinic until 10:00 p.m. last night.

So it goes.

I'm back public with my blog.   I needed some privacy for a bit.

I called a lady who had contacted me a few weeks back, thinking some of hers might be easy.  She lured the three teens inside and I went and got them about 11:00 p.m.   They were offspring of a neighbors female, who had been kicked out and was no longer cared for by the neighbor.  Now that same female has six 4 week old kittens.  But the three girls from her last litter are getting fixed today.

Meet Gigi, Alien Eyes and Smoke!


Alien Eyes

 I would have loved to take five instead of three, but she was the only caregiver who responded that late.

I went to the coast Monday.   My nephew's wife contacted me late Sunday and asked if I could meet them in Newport for breakfast and of course I jumped on that.

I wasn't so sure about my car's abilities though.   All the dash lights are back on and on the way and way back, the poor car pinged horribly on the hills.   Today I will change the air filter and the oil, but you know, it's an old car with a lot of miles and things wear out.  It has lost no power capacity so I hope the pinging is just bad gas.

We had a great breakfast down on the bayfront.  The food was delicious.  I am a terribly slow eater though compared to most people.  I finally boxed half my omelette to eat later, for supper.  Everyone else was long done.

My great niece is now almost 2 years old, has hair, lots of it, blond with streaks that are darker.  Looks highlighted.  Blue eyes too.   I hadn't seen her since she turned 1.  Her dad, my nephew, has blond hair and blue eyes and my brother, his dad, had blond hair too.   Strange, when we come, on my father's side, from native American heritage that made him and his sister, look almost totally native in heritage.   The rest of us were born with dark brown to black hair.   My great niece's mom is Brazilian, with very dark hair.   Ah well, out comes the buried lineage.   My brother's wife's heritage goes back to Mongolia, traits of which are very apparent in my great niece.  If she were a cat, I'd call her a Persian Siamese mix, lol.

She is speaking quite a lot of words now, both in English and Portugeese.   Behind us, at the outdoor picnic tables, a couple sat with a son about my great niece's same age and they needed some wet wipes, which my nephew quickly offered from their diaper bag.  They then got to talking and their son is half Swedish and is speaking words now in both English and Swedish.

It is difficult to find parking along the bay front.  I was parked maybe 3/4 mile one way, while they'd parked about the same distance the other way from the cafe.   We then met at the Oregon Coast Aquarium, which is an attraction more suited to children than to adults but it was fun to watch my great niece's reaction to the underwater views of seals and anenomes.   Lots more walking there.

After that, they were ready to be on their way home, although we stopped briefly at a beach, while the baby napped in the car with her mother.  But it was very windy and the sand blew against our faces, stinging, with a force that drove the fine grains into my mouth and teeth and eyes.  We left very shortly, them heading south and me east.

Our weather has turned very abruptly to fall with darkness coming early.  But the darkness is different than it is in the summer and spring.   I can only describe the fall nights as deep piercing black with a crisp overlay.

The house next door is still empty.  So evenings, with the added privacy, I sit out pleasantly lounging under the stars.

Driving to the clinic this morning, the sky was mostly clear with the low morning sun piercing my peripheal vision on the east, as I drove north.  But suddenly my windshield was splattered in huge droplets of water.  I looked up, while driving, seeing nothing above but clear sky.  I looked at other cars, to see if their wipers were on, fearful my old car's radiator had sputtered out in function and it was engine water on my windshield.  It's been a very long time, over two months, since I've seen rain on my windshield.  But the splattering stopped within moments and it was some stray shower passing somewhere overhead.

Smolder, my water boy.  He climbs right in and often makes a splashing mess.  He loves water enjoys playing in it.

Gigi, hanging out.  She belongs to the people behind me, but hangs out mostly in my yard and garage.


  1. Strayer, here's a chat group about the causes of engine pinging: I'm sure it could be caused by bad gas, yet that would be rare in my experience. Have you checked the spark plugs?

    I love all of your photos, especially the ones that show us around your house and yard. What is Gigi lying on?

    1. Gigi is on the stray feeder I built too long ago, to feed cats but not raccoons or possums, since cats can jump vertically but raccoons, possums and skunks cannot. Thanks for the link, hoping its bad gas. But might be too coincidental with all the dash lights coming on again about two weeks ago.

  2. It is nice to see your blog back in my reader again. I hope your privacy helped. I love that you got some enjoyable family time.
    We had a water baby cat. He loved it, and often played in it.

    1. It was kind of nice, EC, and maybe I'll take privacy breaks now and then. Smolder makes a mess of the water bowls. He plays in them, wades in....

  3. My friend runs the library at the Oregon Coast Aquarium, and my husband visited there a couple of years ago when he was backpacking in the area. He enjoyed his aquarium visit. I'm really happy that you got to see your nephew and family. It's always fun when there's a little one in the mix.

    1. There are large areas of it closed right now, including the aviary, due to bird flu in Oregon. It's fun, I've been there a number of times. I didn't know they had a library. I saw the gift shop.

  4. I had wondered when your last post was in my reader, but I tried to visit, and I was met with the privacy message. I hope you're feeling better now.

    We've got the red hair buried in our genes. It pops out here and there. Genetics is a funny thing.

    1. Mooki's death was tough on me, Liz, and I needed some privacy, just was very hard. Red hair in your genes, blond in mine back somewhere. Genetics is really fun, I think, to see what pops out where and in who. Unless its something bad.

  5. Anonymous2:38 AM

    How nice for you nephew and his wife to invite you for breakfast. I think people do care about you more than you think. Your heritage is exotic but your great niece's heritage is even more exotic. It is the way of the world and a good thing. This was a really nice post.

    1. It is good that we mix it up genetically speaking, creates a healthier population. Thanks Andrew, I know people care and hope people know I care about them. I just wish I didn't live so far from most of the people I know, although I've made some new friends this summer. Another party down the cul de sac is brewing.



 Sunday I was so slow getting going after the late night Saturday. But after cleaning litterboxes, giving KMR to kittens, feeding the ferals...