Saturday, July 16, 2022

Crabtree Kitten Crew Reach One Pound

 The Crabtree kittens have reached a pound.   This is the weight generally achieved near one month of age.

Wilson is the heaviest but only by a few tenths of an ounce.

They're so cute when they play together.  Mom is doing great, still caring for them like a champ.

Silverton Cat Rescue offered to take them today, but they can't take mom, since she's wild, so they'll stay here for awhile longer.   Removing kittens from their mom isn't ever a good thing, til they're a little older.  Hard on the kittens, hard on mom and hard on the fosterer.

I took my car in yesterday and got the belts tightened.  They were quite loose, hence the screeching.  The mechanic showed me his awesome electric bikes, one of which folds up to go easily in the back of the car.  They can all go 45 miles on a single charge, even if you don't assist the battery charge by peddling.  He didn't tell me how much he paid for them but he said they're very costly.  I was in awe.  

I also went to the lake and had a grand time paddling around in my little kayak.  It was about 85 degrees, which was perfect weather for the lake.  Today its cloudy and probably will only get to mid 70's--a good temperature for actually getting the lawn mowed, which I have successfully put off for some time.


  1. Hooray for a day at the lake. A warm and sunny day at the lake.
    Hooray for healthy, happy kittens and for getting your belts tightened.

    1. Yes it was a nice day yesterday.

  2. NOTHING is cuter than kittens playing. Careful you don't get seduced into keeping them.

    1. Oh don't worry I"d even think about keeping them. Have plenty already.

  3. Anonymous3:27 PM

    You may wonder about your successful putting off of lawn mowing when you get started, thinking this would be easier if a did it a week or so ago.

    1. So far, even today, I've made up adequate excuses to ditch the yard mowing.

  4. Thanks for that does of kitten fun. I had forgotten how playful they are.

  5. I been also looking at bikes.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

    1. I'm not looking at bikes to buy one, just noticed his when I picked up my car. His probably cost three grand each. Extremely expensive e bikes.

  6. Glad you got your car taken care of. I did that this week as well. Cute kittens.


Last Trip to Lake?

 I went to the lake yesterday.  It was supposed to get up to near 80 by late afternoon.  I checked the reservoir level first, to make sure I...