Monday, May 04, 2020

Face Off

I end up with a lot of cats in my yard that are not mine.

There are the shy pair from the street behind me and a house over.  One is gray and white and the other black and white.  They wear collars and generally come together and not frequently.  They run off if I look at them.

Then there are three from the house behind me who come over, sometimes four.  There's the black tux, the calico, Fluffybutt the Siamese and Gigi, the orange tux.  I gave Gigi her name.  I don't know what they call her.

There was a black and white lived across the street and down two houses but they moved and now she's not on the block anymore.

Then there's Fritter, a beautiful older buff tux boy, who comes down from the apartment complex behind the end of the block.  He is here constantly.  Gigi and Fritter look so much alike, but they don't like one another.  Gigi likes to live mostly in my garage.  I can't claim her because she's not my cat and I don't steal cats.  Fritter would also like to live in my garage mostly but Gigi doesn't want that.  She lets Fluffybutt come and go however.

Gigi and Fritter engage in constant faceoffs.

I guess my yard is considered a public playground by bored neighborhood cats.  It is quite annoying that some pet owners offload care of their cat to others.  Why in the world did they get a cat in the first place if they're expecting someone else to clean up after them and to provide them shelter in horrid weather.   Some people are just not very responsible.  I would not consider complaining  to authorities about the owned cats who make my yard home.  It would only result in terrible things happening to the cats when its the owners to blame.


  1. Bad animal behaviour is so often caused by their owners. Mind you I think/hope that Jazz launches into attack mode so easily because of treatment by earlier owners rather than in his current home.

    1. Yeah, some really lousy folks out there who probably should not have kids let alone pets.

  2. There’s a really fluffy kitty that comes around to see Alex. One time I had the door open for some fresh air, and there she was sitting by the screen, just waiting for him. He came out and they stared at each other through the screen. I call this cat Alex’s girlfriend. Alex is neutered tho.

    1. Ha! I bet Alex loves the visits. Something interesting in his day!

  3. I think almost every one here have a cat. I see out in the field hunting

  4. There is a beautiful long haired buff cat that goes by now and then. Big, presumably male, the creature runs away from me on sight yet looks to be in excellent health. At least folks around here (young couple across the street notwithstanding) seem to care for even the most independent of outdoor felines. These animals sense your kindness, I'm sure. Be well, my dear.

    1. Fritter is a beauty for sure and looks to be in great health. However he seems incredibly lonely and I think he hangs out here for companionship mostly. He's never hungry.

  5. "Why in the world did they get a cat in the first place if they're expecting someone else to clean up after them and to provide them shelter in horrid weather."

    I think that some people are simply oblivious, and that others are assholes. Growing up as I did, first in rural and later in small town Mississippi, I was around thirty before I saw anyone pick up dog poop. That person was from out of state, and the dog whose poop she picked up was my dog. Several people were sitting around, and they and I watched her do it, and I said to myself, "How interesting. I wonder why she did that." Sometimes when I get down on people (which is pretty much all the time), I remember some of the things I've done in life, and I know that my motives for doing them were not, in my own mind bad. The actions were, of course, bad, in some cases very bad, but I was either oblivious or thought that I was hitting back against people (or society) in return for what they had done to me.

    I run cats off because I don't want them killing the birds and squirrels that I feed, and I don' want them upsetting my cats. One of my next door neighbors' cats is a killer par excellence, it being astounded how many birds he kills (the last one was a flicker, which as you know is a fairly good sized bird), and while I haven't seen him kill a squirrel, I've seen young squirrels that were killed, one was still in the mouth of the cat that killed it, a large cat (a Maine Coon I think) that leaped to the top of a five foot fence carrying the corpse. I learned from one of their children that the next door neighbors think Peggy and I are cruel for keeping our cats indoors, and another neighbor told me with pride that her cat was too active and intelligent to be contained in such a way, the implication being that mine are lazy morons. Anyway, the neighborhood cats are wary of me because no matter what I'm doing and how I'm dressed, I run outside and walk straight toward them while staring. I suppose they regard me as criminally insane, which is a good thing in this case. Last week, I went over to the first neighbors' house for something, and their cat being asleep in the yard, ran in terror when he realized that I had gotten quite close to them. The neighbors were in the yard too, so this had to get their attention, although nothing was said.


Quartzville Road Scenic Byway

  If you wonder why I don't mind going up Quartzville road, here's a link to its Scenic Byway and Wild and Scenic River designation....