Tuesday, September 17, 2019

8 Cats Fixed Yesterday

I didn't round up any cats for yesterday's load.  I only arranged for them to get caught and fixed.  Which is good.  No sitting out long hours trapping myself, however, not this time.

I'd given traps to the apartment complex folk for three cats yesterday and they had three ready, but the Lebanon woman I'd given four spots to picked up those three also.

She was able to catch a male she'd been after outside the Treasure Chest in Lebanon.  She also got the last two cats in to be fixed from a Lebanon house she'd been "fixing".   She got five in all, including the two yesterday, taken to be fixed from there and also got six or more kittens out of that house and to a shelter or rescue I think in Portland. 

The other two were a kitten from Brownsville another woman found, who needed fixed and a cat from Sweet Home.

That was the 8.  I picked them up, after they were fixed yesterday, at the clinic, and delivered two of the apartment complex cats back, and the rest were overnighted by the Lebanon woman who will return them today.

I only got pictures of the three complex cats.

Bighead, the black tux male

Buff, white female teen.  I've already forgotten her name.

Jasmine, black female, overnighting up with the Lebanon woman
I guess I wasn't back into it enough in my brain yet to get the names and photos of all the cats yesterday since the Lebanon woman even picked up and transported the complex three, along with five others she rounded up/trapped.  Bad on me.  Well one of the two boys from the Lebanon yard was named Oreo and a black tux.  And the Treasure Chest yard boy's name was Hippy, and he's a gray tabby tux.  And the Sweet Home boy was black and named Edgar.  The Brownsville female kitten was a brown tabby but I don't recall her name.  See, I'm trying to get my brain back in it.

The tenant trying to "fix" the complex is feeling overwhelmed with the number of unfixed cats there alone, already.  I said "welcome to my world."  The problem is made much worse by the lack of affordable spay neuter appointments available in the valley.   There are no options in this county at all, for high volume spay neuter.

This morning, I was awakened at 4:00 a.m. by what sounded like, in the dream I had just before waking, things being blown apart.  In reality it was three huge Pacific Power trucks out front of my place and across the street.  I realized the power was out.   After which I went back to bed and slept even ignoring jack hammer sounds.   Later I woke again, at 6:30 and the power was still out and the trucks were still out on the street.

I hadn't packed away my camp stove yet so I fired it up and made coffee in the garage.

 The power was back on a little after 7:00 so no big deal.  The website said it was caused by equipment failure and about 20 customers were affected.  Lucky me.

I hauled out a garage sale find to help process the apples from my little tree.  I love this gadget I got for $2 at a Heartland Humane garage sale.  It not only peels the apple, but slices and cores it too.

It's so fun.

Ever since Sunday morning, its been pouring rain off and on and is generally wet and soggy.  There's no end in sight either.  Summer isn't even officially over and the weather seems to have skipped straight to winter.  Lovely.

But I got a last fling at Waldo in, at least, the most beautiful day probably of the summer, Saturday, I was so lucky to spend at Waldo.

My brother is still in the hospital in Idaho after his stroke.  I don't know what will become of him.  I guess he still can't walk so will go to a rehab place.   I guess, don't know, for now he's still in the hospital.

I am still smiling over my trip to Waldo Lake.  I had such a great time.


  1. I am very glad you are still smiling over the trip to Waldo Lake. And equally glad that eight cats were fixed with less effort from you than is usual.
    I hope your brother comes good. Strokes can be vicious things, and recovery slow.

    1. My brother is still in the hospital as no rehab beds I guess are open in his area. He still can't walk on his own. So I don't know what will happen.

  2. Anonymous3:57 PM

    I love those apple processing machines too, although I've never used one.

  3. It would be great if your job could evolve into manager where you coordinated the trapping and fixing of cats instead of doing every step yourself.

    I've often wondered about those peelers. Good to know that they work.

    1. Getting older, LandL, I'd love that. It has evolved lately more to manager and fund raiser/accountant, than trapping. I hope I can keep it that way although I'll always trap now and then, until I drop dead probably.


Quartzville Road Scenic Byway

  If you wonder why I don't mind going up Quartzville road, here's a link to its Scenic Byway and Wild and Scenic River designation....