Monday, July 22, 2019

Hard Hit

I saw a post from someone else, on a friends page, wishing her heartfelt love.  I wondered why and contacted my friend, called her up in fact.  I worried she might be ill.

She answered and was in California, in a hospital, her son having just gone into surgery.  Her son had a motorcycle racing accident, and looks like he is going to be in a wheelchair.  No feeling in his legs.  My heart sank just like that.  See her husband is in a wheelchair, paralyzed from waist down, very little use of arms anymore either, also from a motorcycle racing accident.

I couldn't believe it.  Fortunately, her son has lots of support and I hope maybe for a miracle and maybe when inflammation is gone.....well I can't help but hope.  I don't know how to think about my friend with a paralyzed husband AND son.  Her husband is a stoic soul who powers through the hardships of it.  No doubt her son, from a different husband, is of the same ilk.  The whole family is very very tough but also exceedingly kind.  I admire them. 

So I sent two cats up with someone else today, who had appointments, to be spayed. Both are from Waterloo.  One, a pregnant young girl, showed up at a residential house over a month back.  She tried to find a shelter or rescue to take her but everyone is full.  So she decided to get her fixed at least, so they'd have no kittens born in the brush.  Her husband won't let her name the cat, fearful she'll keep her too, so she calls her No Name.

No Name, spayed today.
The other cat I happened onto by accident.  A tweeker house this other woman knew about and told me they had kittens and an orange female.  I drove over there, pounded on the door many many times before I got a response.  The orange female and her one kitten, a torti, were outside.  I saw a gray tabby big cheeked male stroll through.  Finally the woman comes out and I talk to her about getting the cat fixed.  She agreed to it with nudging from the trailer owner.  She was out of it and hard to keep on track.

So I went back yesterday and picked her up.   And she was fixed today.   Chevron was in heat again.
Chevron, spayed today

I didn't take the cats up.  Julie from Sodaville had reservations and picked them up this morning and dropped them back off.

I spent the day doing more projects.  It was quite hot today, not bad though, about 87 degrees.  I like it about that hot.  Tomorrow will be back in the 70's the news says.

I will be thinking of my friend and her son. 


  1. Your poor friend. Sometimes life is just so effing unfair.
    Thank you for rescuing yet more cats.

    1. I know. I wish it wasn't so, but surgeons perform miracles nowadays so I'm still hoping.

  2. Wishing the best for your friend's son.

  3. I’m sorry for your friend 🙏🏼

  4. They are doing amazing things these days with spinal cord injuries and I hope one of them will help you friend's son. Sending positive thoughts their way.

  5. What a shame about both those accidents. I'm so glad my husband never wanted a motorcycle at all. It's dangerous enough driving cars. My best wishes go to No Name. And thanks again for all you do!

  6. Out of curiosity I looked up the term 'tweeker' and read on urban dictionary that they "are known for their extreme paranoia, flagrant dishonesty, and lack of non-tweeker friends. A tweeker will steal your stuff and then help you look for it." Is that the sort you mean? Ugh. Be careful out there!

    1. They are what I call drug zombies, have sold their souls to meth (or whatever drug), and now their body and mind serve only that drug. But the description of stealing your stuff then helping you look for it is right on with meth addicts.


Quartzville Road Scenic Byway

  If you wonder why I don't mind going up Quartzville road, here's a link to its Scenic Byway and Wild and Scenic River designation....