Saturday, July 06, 2019

Cute Kittens

Not much I can do at the moment still having two trailer park kittens in my bathroom and all the shelters and rescues full.

I had noticed a decrease in appetite with Beanie and Pebbles, the pair in the bathroom, and began to worry.  Then I saw loose dark stool and worried more.  What terrible parasitic infection might they have?  Giardia, was my guess.

Then I remembered I had round wormed them, but never tapewormed the little waifs.  Fleas are bad this year here in Oregon.  So much to their disgust I gave them tape worm killer and this was the result.

Gross if you are inclined to not want to see intestinal worms.  Fascinating however to me, as you can even see the tapeworm segments.

So Beanie and Pebbles will soon be back to normal.  I hope they can be fixed Monday at Heartland, but still waiting for confirmation on that.  At least they would be ready then, if someone wanted to adopt them.  I hope both will be spay neuter weight by Monday.  Pebbles was really close last Monday, but not Beanie the boy.

Beanie, the little boy and little brother to Pebbles who relentlessly wrestles and plays with him, even when he'd like to sleep.

Pebbles, a wild child girl, who loves to play and wrestle wildly
Meanwhile, how cute is Kalani?  She's the oddly colored Knox Butte kitten.   I'm not sure, but may have a placement for the Knox Butte kittens' mom, Kona, who is extremely young and small.

Young mom Kona will be fixed Monday at Heartland.

There were no July 4th celebrations or picnics for me.  How about you?  Did you do anything fun or with family or friends?


  1. DEFINITELY better out than in. A phrase my mother used often.
    Fingers crossed that they do find excellent homes.
    We usually don't celebrate our National days and holidays. And I am fine with that.

    1. Yes, that's the sticker, finding them homes. Pebbles and Beanie are almost ready to be fixed, but waiting another week on it, since they are hovering just under weight for fixing. As for the fourth and the boom booms, I fell asleep even, before the local explosive addicts shot off their load.

  2. Anonymous4:35 PM

    So much for you taking a break. Funny seeing the feeding.

    1. Yeah, the break. Hmmm. I forgot I'm on break.

  3. Our first cat in New Orleans came with fleas and tapeworms and it took us a while to get rid of the fleas because the they didn't have the meds they do now. I remember well what the worms and segments looked like. As far as worms go, not so bad.

    Those kittens were lucky you found them and you've given them another chance in life.

    1. I remember those days, when flea treatments were not so available outside of iffy stinky collars. They're doing well by today, playful and mom is being a stinker, guarding them, so its harder to snatch them out, as I was doing.

  4. Good job! I'm so grateful for all your efforts. These sweet creatures are blessed to have you in their lives. I wish you and these little darlings all the best. As for Independence Day, I am not into holidays anymore. In this case we hunkered inside against the heat and crowds.

  5. "Did you do anything fun or with family or friends?"

    No. A friend gave us a stained glass window, so we spent the day making a frame for it.

    I'm glad you have a strong stomach. All of our cats had worms, ear mites, and other problems, but since kittenhood, they've lived in safety, cleanliness, and luxury.

    1. I hope that frame came out well.

    2. Yes, we're delighted with it. We're not woodworkers, but when we're motivated, we can turn out some good stuff.


Quartzville Road Scenic Byway

  If you wonder why I don't mind going up Quartzville road, here's a link to its Scenic Byway and Wild and Scenic River designation....