Thursday, June 20, 2019

More Darn Cute Kittens

I'm approaching my summer break, where I'm supposed to take time to enjoy life and heal damaged body parts.

But I'm trying to finish off the trailer park.  At the one place, where we've taken already  11 kittens out, and fixed 19 adults, there is still one adult female needing caught, her only remaining kitten, plus two tiny kittens from the brown tabby female fixed 13 days ago.  Pele I called her.  Those kittens are one black and one tabby.  But they're so quick, I can't get him in the brush.

Here's the black one, who briefly came out of the bushes this morning (I sat there three hours), then saw a big Siamese boy eating under the drop trap and promptly vanished again.

Isn't he or she precious?

But.....I tricked out the mom and her one kitten, the gray tux manx we've been after for a week now.  We put food over where we've seen the kittens mom, for a couple days, and today I went up at 7:00 a.m. and set a trap there, but not before loading a huge plate with wet food under the drop trap to divert the other fixed adults from bothering the trap.

Well, after hours, suddenly the kitten is over by the trap and frantic to get in for food, but then vanishes again.  I crack open my last can of human tuna, and add it to the trap, hoping it will help, although I was sloppy about it, and dropped the can first, which flopped upside down into the grass.  I had to scoop up the contents back into the can with my hand.

I hopped back to my car, being as quiet as a mouse, slipped in and it wasn't ten minutes the kitten was back and eating in the front of the trap, then suddenly boom, he triggered it.   At last, we had the last kitten.  Although now its not the last kitten.  We just thought it was the last one til we spotted the other two, the black and the tabby.

But I have this one, this darling little boy, now in my bathroom, missing his mom.

His mom is Kinkette, that smart savvy tabby tux, with the half length crooked tail, too smart so far for my traps, but I'll get her I swear.

We tried for awhile, to get the mom, with the kitten in a carrier behind a trap, as bait, and she watched  him from a dozen feet away and in the end, sauntered off, not going for it.  Darn it.

At least those hours were not for nought this time, at the trailer park.  Not this time.  I came home kittened!  Ah ha.  I love the little wild thing too.  Already.

Yes, its this little one now here.  Cutest little thing too!

I'm a curiosity there to the cats now, sitting in my car, sometimes tossing them treats.  So they watch me and no doubt talk about me later.

Joker finally comes out to eat

Tawny and Sunny just sit there staring at me.

IttyBitty takes a nap.
Just two more kittens and one adult female at that one location.  Haha, I'll never be done there, right?


  1. I am sure they do talk about you. Probably some of it is less than complimentary too.
    You have done really well. And Kinkette will be caught. Hopefully soon.

    1. I suppose. I don't really want to know what they tell each other about me. You have faith Kinkette will be caught. I do also. I will outlast her, if nothing else, but I hope to outwit her. It would be much quicker that way.

  2. Oh my heart! He IS a darling boy.

    How I love hearing you calm kitties. Our oldest of four is eight, and our youngest less than two, yet it seems to me that their love and trust for me is still growing. Sometimes, all four will be sleeping in a pile, and I'll place my face on one of them at a time and just hold it there for a minute or so. They respond to this so lovingly that my heart melts.


Quartzville Road Scenic Byway

  If you wonder why I don't mind going up Quartzville road, here's a link to its Scenic Byway and Wild and Scenic River designation....