Thursday, June 27, 2019

All the Tears in the World

How does one deal with the constant influx of horrors on the news.

Like the photo of the drowned father and daughter?   He wanted to live in the US and was willing to brave a swift river to try to get here, only to drown with  his little girl.

There's no one to blame for it.  Except his home country.  Why can't these countries clean up their acts so half their citizens aren't trying to get somewhere else?

The focus and pressure should be on that.  I swear I thought by the time I was old they would have done that, gotten decent honest leaders who got things going and weren't just  corrupt puppets.

The massive numbers of people trying to cross into the US is overwhelming the US.  I don't know how that could be solved.  It's tragic.  150,000 a month now or so.  There's no way to house them all, feed them all, as they await hearings.  How in the world do we deal with this?  150k people is over four times the population of this town I live in.  Every month that many.

All over the world, poverty, overpopulation, lack of resources, and maybe more importantly, lack of honest intelligent well educated leaders are creating terrible conditions.  People ache for something better.  We are all so very lucky here to have what we have.  My sister in law and I were talking about that on the phone last night, when we chatted for her birthday.  She has a friend who is from Mumbai.   It is so crowded there and now faces severe water shortages.  They never have  power an entire day, so her family has a generator to run when the power is out but most cannot afford that.

I chatted once with a customer service man and asked him where he lives and it was India.  I can't recall the town now.  He lived with almost 20 relatives and said you could barely turn around in their tiny place with so many people and he longed for a better life.

We're so lucky here I can barely believe it.  I am so grateful to have been born here in Oregon.  Sheer luck, I know.   So I have empathy for those seeking better lives but the US cannot take in everyone.   It would be good if countries could map out their futures so their citizens had the lives they want to live.  I don't know how to think about the mass numbers of people trying to get into the US at our southern borders any other way.  I can't deal with the images.

The father with his daughter, swimming a swift river, to get in.  They didn't make it across.  You could say nobody sane would tie their daughter across their back with their own shirt and plunge into a swift river.  You could say this was the act of a desperate man or a stupid man, to risk his daughter like that.  The US is not to blame for his actions.   The tragedy speaks to my soul.

I'll make one comment on the politicizing of problems.  When my car is broken, I need it fixed.   I don't seek opinions on it from different groups with loud views who fight over the best fix for it, or who should fix it, or endure protesters yelling how it should or shouldn't be done while the car sits broken and I can't drive it to get groceries.  Yet that's how our government works and most governments work that way and nothing broken gets fixed.  When somethings' broken, our elected leaders and those of other nations need to fix it.  I don't care their party affiliation.  Their job is to make things work.

After this bleak post, how about some kittens?  The trailer park three, Bambam, Beanie and Pebbles, are still in my bathroom.  Someone who lives in WA volunteered to take them, then just as quickly flaked out. Then it was KATA who said they'd take them, but then the foster person's mother visited and that was put off.  So they're still here and I'm enjoying them.


  1. It's not just this country dealing with illegal immigration. Europe is having it's problems too. The countries in Europe had to close it's boarders and they built walls to stop influx of illegal immigration. Italy has problems with illegal immigrants floating across from Africa as well as Greece. It's a loosing battle unless all countries work together to make things better for all. I don't know the answer to over population but some countries like China have child birth restrictions to one child while other countries encourage no child birth restrictions. Here in our country folks are fighting to outlaw a woman's right to decide whether to have a child or not. I, in my mid twenties, decided not to have any more children after I had two. The doctors refused to give me tubule ligation unless I had my husband's permission. I fought that and got my right to decide what I could do with my body and limit my right to limit giving child birth. How many Christians out there will condone my action?

    1. You are so right on. Women in all these countries, absolutely in poverty stricken nations, should be able to decide how many children they want, can afford to raise, and have easy access to birth control. It's a key issue in fighting poverty. I can't believe you would need your husband's permission for tubal ligation. That's just insanity.

  2. Sadly it is a world-wide problem. As is the political game playing.

    1. I wish I had answers. OUr own state now has a new norm from Republicans who are shredding democracy to pieces and think its just wonderful. They justify it in the name of their side. It's pathetic.

  3. I find myself getting anxious and unplug from all media for awhile. THANK YOU for the kitten video. They're precious.

    1. When there is nothing I can do about something, you are right, that's the best way to reduce stress over it. Thanks.


Quartzville Road Scenic Byway

  If you wonder why I don't mind going up Quartzville road, here's a link to its Scenic Byway and Wild and Scenic River designation....