Friday, October 20, 2017

Nine More!

Nine more cats were fixed yesterday in Salem.

Two are from Brownsville and a situation a friend is trying to "fix".  She already took five from there up Monday to be fixed, now these two tame darling teen boys are fixed.

Despero, a little brown tabby Brownsville boy, fixed yesterday.

Stevie was fixed also, from same place and was a clinic staff favorite!
Next up, Jakarta, the unknown adult I caught at the rural barn, where Gypsy lives with her remaining kittens.  Jakarta too is a girl and judged to be about 10 months of age.

Jakarta is a wild thing and needs a new place to call home.

Also a colony behind the Speedway was brought to my attention.   I took up the drop trap to them, to prefeed under a few days, then arrived there at promptly 7:00 a.m. to wait for cats to go under it.  They had a cup of coffee ready, but it didn't take but a few minutes for mom and three of her five teens to wander under to eat.  I yanked the cord, dropping the trap over them.  We ran forward and covered the drop trap.  Then I went and got the transfer traps out of my car and we transferred them out of the drop trap, through its transfer door, into the live traps, one by one, then took the cover off the drop trap, propped it back up and waited again.

A few minutes later, Boots, the little black tux wandered up, and then went under the trap too, and I got him, same way.  Tigger 2, one of the brown tabby teens, did not show up, however, so I left two traps set and took off.

I picked up an unwanted kitten, found with her head stuck in a chain link fence, by someone I'd trapped for, in Lebanon, before heading home.

Mama Kitty was finally fixed yesterday.

Boots, a little girl, was fixed too

Coal was fixed also and also is a little girl

Tigger 1 and Char were also fixed.  Char, the second black teen, is the only boy of the six Speedway cats.

Tigger 2, also a girl, was fixed yesterday.  Thankfully, she finally got into a live trap I left set up there in the evening.
And lastly, a couple photos of Bloosy, ha, a sweet wildy enthusiastic dark gray kitten, now in the bathroom with the wild boys from the rural Linn area  They play like maniacs!  Bloosy is going to KATA on Saturday.  In the meantime, we're having fun!

Yesterday was a very good day for local cats.


  1. It was a good day thanks to you. Hope you're riding high on the success and not too exhausted!

  2. EXCELLENT work. Again. Thank you.

  3. Wow, it was a good day for local cats. You're bathroom must be a lot of fun to watch.

    1. There have been so many kittens and cats in and out of my bathroom in the ten years I've lived here. I should maybe make a video of combined stills of them, when I get the time. Right now, its the two wild boys from the rural mom who had to return, plus Bloosy, the Lebanon girl, who is leaving today. Before that it was the Circle K kittens, and before that the mom and her six from Lebanon....Yes, I have fun with the kittens!


Back up Quartzville

 The slide that has kept Quartzville road closed since mid December has been cleared now, as of last week.  The slide closed the road at mil...