Saturday, September 16, 2017

Cute Kitten Alert!

Well, I am overloaded in cats again.   And I don't even take in cats.  Ha!

I have the torti and the ear tipped kitten from the Grocery Outlet parking lot.

Thankfully the torti is tame, and I'm advertising her as found, but the bird lady says she'll foster her and care for her permanently if she doesn't have a home.  Which seems likely.   She lives in the same area where I found her.  This is great news for the torti and for me.

As for Ella, the kitten, she's a great kitten and I have two groups who may take her.  Crossing fingers.

But I have also been working to fix a rural Lebanon colony.   This is the one where we trapped Black Beauty and got her fixed.  And also Willy, the kitten with bad eyes, who went to Meow Village.

There's a female there, with a litter in the blackberry vines.  We saw the kittens when I returned Black Beauty.  The colony feeder got them contained, all six of them, plus mom, yesterday.  We wanted to get them out of the berry vines before the rainstorm hits tomorrow.   They are in my bathroom while Ella and the torti are in the foster cage in the living room that Raven once occupied.

I still have Bonita too, the semi feral who is functionally blind, waiting to get her entropian surgery.  She has in the meantime, with me cleaning her eyes daily, become close to tame.  I had hoped I could get the surgery done at Heartland but that may not happen so looks like another trip to the coast clinic soon for me.  Be worth it for her, to get her lashes off her eyes.

Anyhow, the lovely mother in the bathroom with her kittens, all of whom had developing colds and eye issues, that likely would have killed them had they stayed in the bushes much longer, provides a pleasant distraction.  They are a lot of work, however.  Cleaning their eyes, applying eye meds, supplemental feeding them, all that.   That's really tough, isn't it?  Playing with tiny kittens.  Ha!  Not!

Mom ran around the bathroom frantically when I first brought them in last night, searching it completely, looking for threats, ways to escape, and was vigilant all night long, ignoring her kittens, on guard.  She's lived in the woods, and had to be this way, to survive and keep kittens alive.   Imagine being a mom with kittens that way, with everything want to eat them alive and you trying to protect them, feed them, feed yourself.  

Now she's deemed my little bathroom, that has seen hundreds of cats, safe and has relaxed.  The bathroom passed the mom test.  Apparently so did I.  She's so happy and purring up a storm.

And being a great mom.


  1. The fact that so many wild kittens survive for as long as they do is an amazing tribute to their mother's isn't it? Not an easy job. At all.

    1. It's not an easy job at all. Mothers are amazing. Fathers, in the wild, not so much. Merely sperm donors. However their fierce fights with other males is supposed to rid the gene pool of the weak. At least there is that.

  2. OH! The cuteness!

  3. Loved the video of the mother and her kittens especially when the little one was still on her mother's back as she moved around. Thanks for sharing (and for rescuing them.)

  4. Anonymous3:58 PM

    I have a new respect for momma cats.

  5. Thanks for your fabulous efforts! And what great video. Such interesting markings! I wish all of you the best.


Quartzville Road Scenic Byway

  If you wonder why I don't mind going up Quartzville road, here's a link to its Scenic Byway and Wild and Scenic River designation....