Monday, July 11, 2016

The New Family

It did not take long for a new family to form in my bathroom.

Snowball the experienced mother, whose last kittens were taken by someone, who had herself been dumped like trash over two years ago, and the needy apartment complex kittens who badly want the comfort and security of a mother in their lives, well they're a family now.

Didn't take long either.

The Kittens are SO happy.  And Snowball could not resist taking them under her wing.  She's such a kind kitty.

Eli, the boy, is athletic and fun loving!

To see all three do so much better together is heart warming!

We all need family.  Even if not related.

We had an event in Albany Saturday.   And since there is not much to do here, we all dutifully went.   "Were you there, did you go?" I asked someone I ran into.  "Of course we went, the moment we heard," she admitted.

What was the big event, that drew crowds?

Burger King by the mall burned to the ground.  The fire drew large crowds, myself included.

One other thing that's been going on, started Saturday was it, or just yesterday maybe.  Every now and then there's an extremely loud sound, like a massive high pressure tank is releasing something.  It lasts a few seconds, scaring my cats, then its gone.  It's comes from the industrial area a couple blocks from here.  I wonder what is going on and hope whomever is doing that isn't dumping more toxic shit into the air.


  1. Heartwarming photos of the new 'family'.

    1. It's making them all much happier too, under difficult circumstance for them all. And Rebecca, who has been ill, no doubt will have a better chance at full recovery with her new found comfort. They've all been vaccinated by now, the kittens many days ago. There's little they could pass. Many cats at both locations have been tested and nobody has had any disease (FIV/Felk).

  2. I love the pictures of the kittens with Snowball. They all look so happy.

  3. Love that new family. And agree that Rebecca has a much better chance now.
    When a hamburger store burned to the ground while I was at college we were sure it was because they never changed the oil. And goodness how it stank around there (before and after the fire).

    1. Some of those fry joints do smell so rank of old icky oil.

  4. This one made me cry... not in sadness, but with happiness. (and I'm NOT talking about the Burger King going up in flames!!!)

  5. Anonymous7:00 PM

    Happy families. Better that it was a McDonalds that burnt down.

  6. Absolutely heartwarming story. Thank you.

    I hope nobody got injured in the fire. Also, I hope the noise pollution stops. That's bad enough without a toxic additive. Best wishes!

  7. It’s hard for me to care about a Burger King burning down. In fact, I rather like it.

    You really should do a book of your photos. I can’t do my own book so it’s ironic for me to say that you should do yours, but I just know you could attract attention to your cause that way. I bought a photo book from St. Vinnies that’s all about why dogs are great pets and cats are terrible pets. I thought it was supposed to be funny, and I only got it for the photos, only later realizing that the author was serious. Still, the photos of both dogs and cats are excellent, and Peggy, at least, laughed all the way through it.

    Peggy has talked less of late of getting a dog, and she IS awfully fond of our cats, and they, in turn, are awfully fond of her. Those guys are so close that they often sleep with Brewsky’s legs around Ollie. Their enormous love for one another scares me in that Brewsky is a lot older and has health concerns. We had wanted our cats to get along, but we never imagined anything like this, what with them supposedly being solitary animals. This behavior certainly doesn’t look solitary to me.

    I’ll just mention that we’re going to be selling our Camry soon. It will go for around $2,350, is in excellent condition, and has 110,000 miles on it. Our service record on the van was two and a half pages long. The one on the Camry is four lines. It’s true that we had the van longer, and that we need to have some periodic maintenance work done on the Camry, but it’s also true that the Camry has 15,000 more miles. This seems to be the difference between American cars and Japanese cars. This car should be good for upwards of 300,000 miles.

    1. Cats are certainly NOT solitary. I don't know who made up that myth, someone who didn't spend time with cats. that van was so splendid. I called my brother about it, said isn't this something, for travel, camping, cat transport and more? He agreed. I'm going to look up Camry. I can't recall what they look like. Thanks for the heads up.

  8. The woman who raced down from west of Portland to buy the van only to have it sold before I would let her see it (she tried to get me to show it to her at a time when I had agreed to show it to someone else) later wrote and said that I had sold it for one to two thousand dollars too little. Well, maybe, but I did the best I could—with the help of Kelly Blue Book—to determine a fair price, and I at least got two to four times as much as the two dealerships I checked with would give me. I’ll say this about the Camry: I wouldn’t dream of setting out for the East Coast in that van, but wouldn’t hesitate in the Camry. It’s a sweet car that a person can believe in, whereas the van was a Chevy and had enough things wrong with it now and in the past, that I lost faith in it despite its good looks and smooth running condition. I simply believe in Toyota more than I believe in any other car on the road, at least any that I can afford, and I haven’t looked at the ones I can’t afford (if I did, I would be seriously considering a Volvo). We’ve had three or four Toyotas, and they’ve invariably been great cars, and friends who have had them say the same. Just ask any mechanic what he thinks of the reliability of Toyotas.


Quartzville Road Scenic Byway

  If you wonder why I don't mind going up Quartzville road, here's a link to its Scenic Byway and Wild and Scenic River designation....