Saturday, July 16, 2016

All You Need is Love

The kittens attachment to Snowball has progressed to nursing.  Which is such a cozy comfy I-am-loved, world-is-terrific thing.

Their relationship is beautiful to behold.  Snowball needs them and they so badly need her.

Snowball had no one where she roamed, to watch out for her, to come home to, to care. Houses she'd lived under sold.  Nobody wanted her.

Until her rescue.

Now she's found love.  And not just from me.

Two kittens from the apartment complex on Queen sure needed love.  The little girl was sick, with bad congestion, both scared, born under a building, not really getting what they needed, once rescued, from me, a human.

But all you need is love.....

They're going as a family to Cat Alliance Team Sanctuary tomorrow.  You will want to adopt all three, together, once the kittens are big enough.  You really should indulge yourself this, too.  They need you.


  1. The kind of ending which makes me smile!

    1. I hope they have a good ending, now up at CATS in Sherwood.

  2. Heart melting. I so hope that they can be adopted as a family.

  3. Anonymous2:01 AM

    A very natural attraction between them, which I am sure will last. I was kind of thinking you might keep them.

    1. I wish I could have, Andrew, but I have enough now, and very little funds for care, so I am unable to keep them. I very much wish I could.

  4. I wish I could take them! My best wishes go out to them and to you.

  5. Anonymous4:04 PM

    Indeed. And you give so freely. Bless your heart. I give love, too. I wish everyone did. The world would heal itself and all of us. Hugs.


Quartzville Road Scenic Byway

  If you wonder why I don't mind going up Quartzville road, here's a link to its Scenic Byway and Wild and Scenic River designation....