Saturday, April 02, 2016

B is For Buffet

A to Z challenge day post and today's letter be B!

B is for Buffet.  Jimmy Buffet that is.

How long have I been a Parrothead (Jimmy Buffet fan)?  Long time.

Margaritaville was one of my first favorites....

"There's Booze in the Blender.....
And soon it will render
That frozen concoction that helps me hang on"

My brother took me to two Buffet concerts long long ago.

At one concert, I may have overdone the Margaritas.

That's me, passed out, in the hay.

I could use that frozen concoction now, I'm thinking.  I just spent half hour under a house, eating insulation and dirt, belly crawling after a cat, who simply would move a few feet out of my way.

B is for Buffet, beaches, bare feet and bonfires.


  1. Who doesn't like Jimmy Buffet? Have you read any of his books? While they're not great literature, they're pretty good.

    1. No, haven't read any of his books, but love his music, and those two concerts were SO much fun.

  2. Do you ever give up? After the fence building I would have no thought of bellying up to a recalcitrant cat. Love your energy, and your commitment.

    1. When I"m dead I will, I assume.

  3. I tried to think of some witty comment that all started with "b"... but (that's as good as it's gonna get) after 2 glasses of wine (and not the bubbly kind :-( maybe I'll try for the letter "c"..... afterall, c starts cats and the like.

    1. C post will be Monday, so get your C's in a row and be ready

  4. BEcause it's always five o'clock somewhere! Bring it! Well, it's a little early for a frozen concoction, ... unless you consider it as not quite late enough on the night before. :p On the other hand...I just confused my comment here with my response to your comment on my maybe I better hold off on the frozen stuff for a while. ;)

    LuAnn (approx #369 on the list) @ Back Porchervations.
    (and one of co-host AJ Lauer's #wHooligans)

  5. I like Jimmmy Buffet, too, but I like cats a lot more :)

    1. Me too, mshatch, you can't cozy up to JB, don't think I'd want to. But I can lay on my bed singing JB songs to myself with the cats all around me! I printed out lyrics to some of his songs, so I could memorize them, and sing them when rowing out on the lake. Seems like I never have lyrics at hand in my brain, if I am out, like on the lake or hiking, worn out, needing to stress purr, so to speak, or just happy. So I wanted to actually remember lyrics other than "what the words sound like" in blurry distant bad sound older CD's. So I memorized Margaritaville, A Pirate Looks at 40, Cheeseburger in Paradise and a few others.

  6. Awesome photo! It brought us smiles. I hope you caught the cat and didn't get a rash or anything from your efforts.

    So glad I found your blog during last year's challenge. - Darla
    Awakening Dreams and Conquering Nightmares with a Pen

    1. I did not catch the cat. The cat was amused by the undertaking and just moved out of the way. No rash so far.

  7. We were at Margaritaville a couple of months ago, surrounded by Jimmy Buffet EVERYTHING. I asked the server if Jimmy Buffet has much to do with the restaurant and was surprised to hear no. He has licensing rights or whatever but he doesn't own the chain. I always thought they were his restaurants! If you're a Buffet fan, that's the place to be. TVs all around playing concert footage, memorabilia everywhere...

  8. Under the house crawling after a cat couldn't have been fun!

    Pioneer Women in Aviation A-Z

    1. No, it actually was decidedly not fun.

  9. Jodi, I met a local cat rescue person today, and wondered if you knew her or had at least heard of her. Anyway, here’s a link to her blog:


Quartzville Road Scenic Byway

  If you wonder why I don't mind going up Quartzville road, here's a link to its Scenic Byway and Wild and Scenic River designation....