Tuesday, March 08, 2016

Not Much But Rain

Rain and more rain, cold rain, drizzle, gray, a few sun breaks, maybe, a few days back was it?  I can't remember.

This weather is just miserable.  That's the only way to describe it.

With no break in sight.

I did little today.   Been researching reasons cars can lose fluid, since my fluid levels go down ever so slightly but down they go.  Every couple days I check to be sure, but usually have to add a bit of water only once a week.  Oil every two weeks, depending on how much I drive.  I already replaced the radiator cap, hoping it was just that and nothing else.

Let's face it we all get old, even the cars we drive.  It does have over 260,000 miles on it and its going to just say "no more" one day.  

I have no idea why the car loses water.  But so far, its not enough to worry too much about.  Unless its a head gasket or crack in the head but if so, there's not much I can do about that since that would be over a thousand dollar repair in a car probably not worth that much.

Best to just forget it and keeping adding the water when needed at this point.

The toilet was occasionally "whooshing" and it became more frequent so at least today I replaced the flapper valve.  A two minute $2 job.  Hope that does it.

I also picked up Maurice at Heartland and returned him to his home.  Yes, he had one all along, but they're happy he is now fixed, vaccinated and even micro-chipped in their name.  Good boy Maurice.

Now, who will stop the rain?


  1. Must have been a dreary day for a lot of us... it rained here today... 2nd time in 3 months... and it made me feel lethargic... no energy whatsoever. Hope your weather brightens up soon.... sunshine makes all the difference!

    1. We often have 9 months of dreary icky cold gray here, but this year has been beyond what many can take, in the rain and gray department, in including me. I'd like to bid this state farewell, at least during the long icky winter.

  2. I hope Maurice's home is suitably grateful. They really weren't meeting their side of the bargain.
    Feel free to send the rain this way. We need it. Our weather boys promise it, but they lie like pigs in mud.

    1. There were no thank you's, which is the norm around here. You can have all the rest of any rain headed our way for the rest of the winter and spring. Please, take it. PLEASEEEEEE!

  3. Anonymous3:48 AM

    Your car must be of quite some age to not have a sealed system where you just top up the overflow tank with coolant. If a head gasket goes, water may be lost into the oil but not usually very much. As you say, just keep adding water as required. I assume there is no water pouring out after you stop the car, indicating a welsh plug issue. As for your toilet, American toilets are very complicated beasts and I have little knowledge.

    1. The system is sealed, but it is losing water. I add it to the overflow, which gets sucked dry, for some reason.

  4. We had a car that lasted for years with an oil leak. We just added oil then and again. Hope you can keep your car going for years with just adding water.

    1. That's probably going to be my strategy. I add oil about every two weeks, not much, less than a quarter quart. I add a bit of water, not more than a cup, every week or ten days now. I have no problem doing that forever, if it will keep running!

  5. "Now, who will stop the rain?"

    But of course, Maurice!


Quartzville Road Scenic Byway

  If you wonder why I don't mind going up Quartzville road, here's a link to its Scenic Byway and Wild and Scenic River designation....