Friday, March 04, 2016

A Cat Named Maurice

I was over again at the location where I caught Astro, as there are many cats there needing assistance.  I wanted to catch one particular female, before she gives birth yet again.

Instead, I caught another big male.  This guy:

I found out a guy on the street sort of claims him, but never fixed him and calls him a long time alley cat.  He has named him, however.  Maurice.

Maurice is responsible for tearing up several neighbors cats.  One such encounter with Maurice cost the other cats owners over $300.  So when word got out Maurice is getting neutered, people were happy.

Meanwhile, Maurice in my garage is making for a stinky garage.  Yikes, his unfixed male urine smell can melt your face off.

Fortunately, Maurice can go back home Tuesday.  He's getting neutered Monday.  Neighborhood cats won't get to celebrate the new Maurice for a month or two.  Takes that long for those hormones to wane and make him a more peaceable soul.


  1. That smell can strip paint can't it?
    Yay for a happier, healthier Maurice - and a happier, healthier every cat he comes into contact with.

    1. I'm sure it can strip paint. And other things.

  2. Anonymous2:48 AM

    Don't male cats look so innocent when asleep.

    1. Innocent and huggable. Yet he'd rip my face off.

  3. Baking soda and a few drops of vanilla. Won't kill it completely but it definitely helps.

    1. I've tried that, and also H2O2, which works very well, combined with baking soda. Think I'll add vanilla to that mix. Some suggest almond extract.

  4. What a big boy! He fills up that crate! Our spay/neuter clinic is tomorrow (again, at the library... and again, I'll be heating up rice bags)... Too bad the locals here aren't as amenable to having males neutered as they are in the States. By the way... we were discussing the pros and cons of doing a vasectomy VS removing the testicles. Guess a vasectomy is more expensive and takes more time... though less invasive and leaves the male looking macho... (hey, it's a male thing here).... the vet here removes the testicles.... What does your vet do?

    1. Removes the balls, about a minute operation usually, once they're out cold under anesthesia. Now the vets going to other countries to try to control dog populations often use Neutersol, an injection into the dogs testicles. Quick, often they need only a local sedative, and the dogs still have their manly look, important only to insecure owners. Some clinics here also use Neutersol for dogs.

    2. I also wish we had it free like down there in Mexico at the clinic where you volunteer. The cheapest around here is $40 per cat and the wait to get in, for even one cat, can be lengthy. We're backwards here in the mid valley, compared to most surrounding areas, where there are even free feral fix programs (Lane County to the south and Polk/Marian counties to the north). We really have nothing here in Benton and Linn, except the $40 per cat option, but even that is not frequent.


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