Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Old Vision Naps and The Cage Project

Old Vision keeps plugging on.  She's got Miss D's spot there, on the cushy bed pillow, sound asleep and I hope her dreams are wonderful.  Miss D, despite her faults for which she is unapologetic, would never displace Vision.

The little apple tree that could.   This is a very young apple tree I bought for almost nothing awhile back.  I should not have let it produce so much fruit.  It's like a teen cat having kittens.  They put their energy into the fruit instead of into growing.  But I did and the apples it produced this year are delicious and plentiful.  I've already eaten many and will remove the rest shortly, to let it rest up before winter sets in.

The Cage is almost done, although I have a few shelves to add. The cats all want to be in at, as predicted.
A Portland rescue friend brought me this chair, when I met her at her vet clinic with the three Albany cats in August.  I love it.  I protect it from the cats because it is MY CHAIR with a scat mat.  Scat Mats are the most effective way I've found to keep cats off of things you don't want them on!  They are a plastic mat embedded with electric wires.   You can purchase either a battery pack or plug in, to power them.  They deliver an electric jolt if anything touches them.  They have a low and high setting. Low is all you need with cats.
Fall is here and the sunflowers are about done, droopy and pathetic now.  The nights are getting colder.
However, I planted a second crop a few weeks back.  The race is on to see if they can bloom before the cold or lack of sun does them in.  They all now have buds. We're having sun again in Oregon, supposed to be close to 80 degrees tomorrow.

I've got a trapping gig.  Kind of excited about it.  More later on that.  And a trip to the affordable clinic with two cats for dental care upcoming.


  1. Love that chair.
    And need to investigate scat mats. There is nothing in this house which the cats don't lay claim to.

    1. I love it too, so comfy, rocks also. Scat mats are terrific!

  2. I am quite impressed with your apple tree. I've never seen that many apples on a tree that small.

  3. Anonymous7:13 PM

    Looks like you might get some sunflowers. Gee, the birds will enjoy them at that time of the year.

    1. I'm still cutting off heads of dead sunflowers from the old ones for the birds and wedging them in branches of the butterfly bush. they eat all the seeds, then I toss the empty flower heads and wedge in more. But they'll be gone soon and I'll have to hide from the birds.

  4. Amazing tree, and I am glad you got a nice chair. It's a deserved gift.


Quartzville Road Scenic Byway

  If you wonder why I don't mind going up Quartzville road, here's a link to its Scenic Byway and Wild and Scenic River designation....