Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Most Fantastic Day!

I had a great day today.  It started incredibly early.  I was off to Astoria by 4:00 a.m.  But....I went to bed at 6:15 p.m., so this time, I was well rested.

I took Mums and Honey.  I took Mums, because her sister, Tugs, had to have almost all her teeth pulled when she had a dental a couple months back.  I thought for sure she'd have the same issues. But she didn't.  She only had to have one tooth pulled, plus some tartar removed.

I took Honey because the other two from the homeless camp, where she came from, had to have multiple extractions.  But not Honey.   Only one pulled for her too and tartar removed.  Both girls had rabies shot updates, nails trimmed, ears cleaned, mite treatment and droncit injections.  They got the works.

Seven year old Honey

Eight year old Mums
After leaving the cats at the clinic, I went off to spend the day.  It was lightly misting when I arrived, so I thought I might have to live with the cool coastal weather.  But it turned nice.  Really nice!

I first went to Seaside and walked on the beach there.  The tide was way out.  It was a long slog across dry sand to even hit the wet sand, that is easier to walk on.  I walked quite a distance, and waded in the water.  But I guess all the news reports about the big quake to come any moment in Oregon, with resulting huge coastal tsunami got to me.  I knew I couldn't slog across that distance of dry sand, get to my car and high ground in ten to fifteen minutes after I felt the quake before the big wave came.  No matter what I did, I couldn't shake the thought.  So I drove off.

Isn't that crazy?  The big quake and tsunami are not any more likely to happen than before all the news story scare tactics, but it gets in your head.

Seaside, from way out on the sand.  Tsunami target number one!

I even counted the hotel stories.  The tallest I think is 8 stories high, which is roughly 80 feet.  The predicted possible tsunami wave could be 30 to 100 feet tall.  So forget running up the stairs to the roof, although you would have an excellent view from there, of that wave coming at you.  You might have time to post a selfie with the wave to facebook, before it hit.

Metal detector man

Kite Flyer


Beach bikers

Lewis and Clark
After putting my feet up and watching the people while drinking coffee I headed south.   I've never visited Canon Beach, just south of Seaside.  I know it's the playground of the richer crowd, but I finally found a state park, day use, at the south end where I could park and access the beach.  It was beautiful.  I walked back north to Haystack rock, which was covered with birds.

Boogie Boarding was big at that beach. To Boogie Board or surf in Oregon you need a wet suit or a dry suit.

Cormorants who have survived the bird massacre going on up near Astoria where the Fish and Wildlife people are killing off massive numbers of them, supposedly to help the salmon.

The way out, should the big one hit.  The map is as clear as mud.   It could not be less easy to read, especially if you need to do so quickly.

Haystack rock cave

Haystack Rock

Garbage disposals of the Coast

After quite some time spent at this beach, under the sun, wading and taking photos, I headed south on 101 past Arcadia Beach to Hug Point State Park.  This is an awesome beach, even though the parking lot is steep.  I love it.  A bunch of kids, apparently with a group, or camp, were there with counselors, doing games.  One of the counselors was blowing huge bubbles and unleashing them into the air.  They were fabulous bubbles!

I then walked down the beach and watched mussels or barnacles.  I've never seen them so close up and the little black heads protruding out of the shell, which is attached to the rock via a very strong neck, would wave and wiggle.  I'd never seen that before.

Finally, it was time to pick up the cats.  They were done right on time at 3:00.  I stopped in Sherwood at the sanctuary to see my friend briefly.  It's her birthday and they had cake there, so I had some cake. I felt bad I had not remembered her birthday.

I had a fabulous day on the northern Oregon coast.


  1. How wonderful.
    It does sound like an amazing day - on all counts.
    I hope that many more days like that land in your lap.

  2. Anonymous12:25 AM

    It does sound like you had a terrific day. This tsunami business is really being taken seriously. I learnt rather a lot about salmon when in Canada, and ate a bit too.

    1. What kind of salmon did you have, Andrew?

    2. Anonymous3:32 PM

      Good question and I am not sure. I expect the most common one.

  3. Seems you did have an enjoyable day. Gosh you did go to bed early..

    1. Yes, I got to bed way early the night before so early I actually woke up at 2:00 a.m. I did have a wonderful day.



Prissy from Quartzville road is very happy here.  After the three I had in my bathroom escaped it she instantly made herself at home.  Tickl...