Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Future Endeavors?

As many of you know, I like to be productive and in fact can still, at my age, outlast many people who are much younger, when my mind is set to do something.

I figured someone could use such a person, part time at least, and I could sure use more money to live on, although it's not much you gain when you are on SSI and work part time.  If you're not careful, you will end up with even less to live on, in fact.

First two jobs I've tried for, part time only, were no go's, one due to my failing joints, that make prolonged physical endeavor not possible.  Oh well, I'll keep trying.

I can't do clerking because I'm no good with saying the right thing and get flabbergasted under stress and blurt the wrong things.  I can't do freight either, not prolonged, for my physical problems. But I know there's something I can do out there.

In the meantime, I have decided to write short ebooks, publishing them under the nonprofit account, to make money for it.   Wish me luck.  I do love to weave a tales but I've never made a tale into a full book.  The Happy Cat Club needs some bucks in the bank, so I can help some cats and at least do that.  Once I get one written and published, probably on Amazon, I will announce it!  

In the meantime, I finished helping my friend move, with a big effort this last Sunday, until my left knee failed me and my neck began to twitch violently and then that was over with.  But, she gave me two boxes of things she did not want, for me to sell for the nonprofit.  I have a table at a flea market at the grange, between Corvallis and Tangent, on July 11 and will sell what I have there, for The Happy Cat Club.

So anyone reading this in the mid valley of Oregon, mark your calendars for July 11 and come on out to the grange that day.  The grange is on Tangent Dr., where it intersects Oakville Rd. SE.

I'm taking two cats to the affordable clinic on July 15, so maybe I can make the money to cover those dentals and the gas, at the flea market, or at least help.

I also got this, from helping my friend move.  She had so much furniture and it would not all fit into her new place.
The cats love the wicker shelves I inherited from the moving experience.

Sunflowers are growing

Drying catnip already

Gretal through the window

Stiletto through the window
Shady in the cat yard
Toothless wonder, Cougie, one of the Albany business cats, is happy and so healthy now that all her teeth are gone!  She is a funny kitty.


  1. It's amazing to me how well cats can do without teeth. Lovely photos, all. And best wishes on your endeavors! I look forward to reading your short stories. What a nice thing to do, offering them for charity. I hope that goes well and that you find something to help pay your bills. Unfortunately, I cannot think of any helpful suggestions.

    1. They don't seem to miss their teeth. Cougie happily eats dry food, along with wet. Mops is having a lot of trouble, because half his teeth are gone, but all on the uppers. They need to be pulled down below also so he can close his mouth. So he's going to have to go again.

    2. Dry food, too! That's amazing. Poor Mops. He's so fortunate to have you.

  2. Cats show infinitely more resilience and adaptability than many people do. Complain less (usually) too.
    Good luck with your writing, your stall, and your job hunt.

  3. Good luck with writing you ebook, good luck...
    At least you know your capabilities in what you can do...

  4. What a good use for the wicker shelves. I love seeing the kitties on them. Good luck on the job front. With your determination, I know you find a good fit. And who knows? Maybe the fit will be an author.

    1. I don't have a lot of things, LandL, which is the way I like it, except for cats, have plenty of cats, so it is only normal here, that cats would be on the shelves rather than anything else.



 Finally, my mysterious massive black tux yard stray, Pietro, is fixed and back with his people. He's come through the yard for maybe a ...