Sunday, July 15, 2012

Kittens, Kittens, Kittens!

Kittens are everywhere!  This kitten season is awful!!  I'm trapping a new colony, was supposed to be seven kittens and two adults.  But I'm lost now, cannot figure out who is who or who should be who, in the dark and the maze of gray tabbies.  I do know who I have caught, at least.  I've caught nine!

I caught a mother who was thought to be a male, but she had two kittens around her. I caught her in the same trap as one of her kittens, whom I quickly took out and tamed, a sweet little six week old spotted tabby girl, who wants a real home.

That was last night.

Today I went to the coast with my Silverton cat lady corgi lady buddy.  It was heaven!  We just went to the first beach we found, down below where this photo below was taken.  We climbed down the trail, set up some beach chairs, ate our lunch, took a walk, took a nap, took another short walk, came home.  Was so relaxing!
Yaquina Bay Bridge in Newport, OR

Jetty and Beach.

Corgi Walker Friend

I came back and caught first a small gray tabby, about 2.8 pounds.  Whether the FCCO will do him tomorrow or not, don't know, will take him.

Then I caught the other adult female, a gray tux.  Yay.

Then I caught two in one trap, a teen and a one and half pounder  Ah, I thought, must be the brown tabby girl kitten's sibling.  Check that one off.

But then, I find two more pound and a halfers in another trap.  Uh oh.  Adding up the under weight numbers here.

Then I catch a big huge angry black tux male.  Daddy.  One of them.

Wondering if I'd catch my limit of keepers here, I slip off to the River Business colony.  Complicated to trap there nights, have to first check in with the night guy, then drive back to set or check a trap.  Time consuming.  Inefficient.  Stupid waste of time.  I set one anyway.  So much bullshit there.  Might have to fill out a dozen forms to use a can of bait, you know?  That sort of complication that can fry your will and make you crazy.

I think my chances there are nil to less than nil.  So I head off to the seed warehouse.  I've had two traps there since before harvest, tied open.  Haven't been back.  It's all a mess now, with seed comnig in and being processed, bagged, stacked, shipped out.  Boy am I glad I got those kittens and Juno out before that happened.  I set two traps anyhow.

The mom that was formerly thought to be a male, with two of her kittens.  They're all caught now.

Pound and a half club tabby kittens.

Sweet Gray tux female, now caught.

Brown tabby female kitten with mom eyeing me from inside the carrier.

Saddest little teen in the world.  Gonna be ok kiddo.
Going to be a marathon.  Good thing I slept 12 hours last night.  Really good thing.

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Prissy from Quartzville road is very happy here.  After the three I had in my bathroom escaped it she instantly made herself at home.  Tickl...