Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Photos of Cats Fixed Today

When heading out to the rural trailer colony, I spotted this Siamese on the tracks. When he looked up, I could clearly see his eartip. He likely is from a nearby colony I got fixed several years back. Most of the cats are Siamese.
Fixed Siamese on the tracks!

All three cats were females of the three I took to be fixed today: one lactator and two preggies. Both preggies hail from the rural trailer colony. One was very very young.This black tux, fixed today from rural trailer colony, is not only basically a kitten herself, but was pregnant at spay.
This was the black tux female fixed last Thursday from the same colony. She also was pregnant.
This is one of two kittens I saw last night at the trailer. Their mom is the all black female fixed already, who was in heat at spay. The other kitten is all black.
The black kitten.
Lactating Siamese mix from the very old Lebanon woman's colony. They're all fixed there now I hope, except, for any surviving kittens.

Update: I located her kittens by following her after I released her. I followed her across the street, and behind a house and then out back of a barn. Three, maybe four kittens, about seven weeks old, ran out to greet her. One was all gray and fuzzy. Another was short hair tabby on white. I went and got some food and water to put back there for the kittens. I didn't take them, because I have nine already in my bedroom and have no idea how I'll find them homes even.

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