Sunday, April 12, 2009

This is How They Treat Woman, and Little Girls, in Muslim Countries

Some Muslim countries still treat women like property. Click post title to go to story about a Saudi Arabia mother trying to get a marriage annulled. The marriage is between her 8 year old daughter and a 47 year old man. It was arranged by the girl's father, to pay off a debt. That's the state of the union for women in many Muslim countries. They're treated with less regard than animals.

Fundamentalist Muslims and some fundamentalist Mormon communities see girls and women as vagina's and that's about it. It is tough to see Americans fighting in Afghanistan now that their assembly has re enacted Taliban law so that women cannot leave their house or get an education unless their husband approves or they are accompanied by an adult male relative and wear burkas.

I really don't want to see a dime of tax payer money spent to build schools that only good little Taliban or Shiite men can attend or on anything else in Afghanistan now. If American troops pursue Al Qaida there or kill Taliban, fine, but quit spending American money on anything else there.

Obama's response was flippant on the subject. He said "There are more important things." More important than basic human rights for women? Then, like I say, cut out all spending other than on the pursuit of enemies to America. It's ridiculous to support regimes that treat women in this manner.

No more of the massive rebuilding efforts in Afghanistan paid for by taxpayers. I bet that's illegal anyhow, to spend taxpayer money on organizations, institutions that discriminate of which the Afghan government is now one. It is here in this country and probably should be anywhere American tax dollars are spent.

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree. Besides, we're having trouble keeping our own schools open, and our educational standards drop lower every year.


Quartzville Road Scenic Byway

  If you wonder why I don't mind going up Quartzville road, here's a link to its Scenic Byway and Wild and Scenic River designation....