Thursday, April 16, 2009

Kittens from Yesterday

Click post title to go to story about Laguna Woods, CA. They have just passed a spay neuter ordinance requiring any cats free roaming, to be fixed. This is a very practicle ordinance.

Cosi, as I've named the eartipped tabical, who was trapped in Corvallis and taken to Heartland. She is now here and I hope I have a barn home lined up north of Salem, for her, and perhaps also for Cami and Spirit.
E St. Female kitten, fixed yesterday.
E St. gray tabby tux male kitten, dazed and confused, still under the anesthesia influence when photo was taken.
Here's the second male kitten, fixed yesterday. Both boys need homes.

I took in three more kittens from E street to be fixed yesterday. My one photo of one of the two boys did not come out well. Both boys are seeking homes. The little girl is spoken for.

The barn home did come through. Cami, Spirit and Cosi will be going on Saturday. It's a very good opportunity for the three, nice people, great area for cats, lots of nice cozy sleeping places and room for containment they can stay in a couple weeks. So, this is it for them, the best chance possible. This is a good thing and I am happy about it.

When I first heard from this woman, I was going to send three from the 34th street Baptist colony, but then I thought to myself, "I need to take care of me, for a change." So this opportunity will go to cats here.

Cami is ok here, but not happy. She wants her freedom. Cosi is still scared to death, occupying a rabbit hutch in the living room, overwhelmed by all that has happened to her in the last week. Spirit will do fine anywhere. She's a beautiful cat. Since she is long hair, I will give her a trim tomorrow, before she leaves, to last for the summer. I will update all three on worming and flea treatment, too.

My mouse quit working. It's an optic wireless mouse. I don't know why it quit. It's not the battery and it's practically brand new.

Just as suddenly, the computer refused to upload photos from the SD card port. I don't know about how well built computers are these days. I have to think "not very".

I am still contemplating returning to the old one, which sits here on the desk still, most of my old files still on it. I am using it as a lamp stand. The old tower makes a terrific lamp stand, I think. But I might turn the new computer tower into a lamp stand and re-enlist the old guard tower. Sure, it used to crash a few times per week at the end, but my memories are so warm and fond, of its file stashing organizational scheme.

I now can only dream of stashing and retrieving files with such ease and of making beautiful rescued cat fliers with phone tear offs using Publisher.

The old Publisher program on that computer is the best for making fliers. I've struggled horrifically on this Vista computer. It's a daily battle to get what I need from it. I hate Vista. If a person were mainly surfing the web, it would be fine.

But I don't surf the web. I haven't done so since about a month after I learned how to use a computer, back in 2001, at the public library. I don't have time.

I love this house but I got smothered here in Albany. Smothered in unwanted lovely cats. They're everywhere in this area. I need to get out or I will be further smothered. I do not have a single local supporter, outside of Diane in Corvallis. My letter to the editor, detailing the number of cats I took in last year and the need for donations to continue, resulted in not even one teensy donation from Linn County being sent to Poppa.

This was discouraging to me far more than just the fact no money for fixing resulted. It felt like a grinning conspiracy from Linn County residents. I could almost see some guy chuckling with his buddies over it, them joking about getting all my labor for free and laughing over a dumbshit who is so stupid to believe in the goodness of people to donate out of fairness and to work for nothing in the first place. I guess maybe that's how I feel here, that I'm getting laughed at constantly, for helping cats and putting out so much of my own time, money to do it.

I get to feeling sucked on, like the body onto which is attached one giant leech. I don't know if I would have a better life elsewhere. Couldn't be worse probably, except I have a great house to live in here.

But the house is filled with too many cats and if I remain here, I fear it will only get worse and fill with more cats. I think about if I broke a bone or got cancer, anything serious, what in the world would I do? I don't have anyone to help out with the cats or anything else here. Even if my car broke down, what would I do?

So I'm thinking I better get on top of this soon, finding somewhere else to live, where I might have a chance at making friends or finding others interested in the same things. I don't want to live my life so alone. I love this house, but I want to have some friends and companionship. It's more important to me than living in a nice house. I need some community!

I went to return the Pink House male. All of the cats come running to greet me, including the female spayed last week who spent five days here. But she looked horrible even from a distance. I called her to me and to my horror, the conjunctiva of her right upper eye, is swollen out so much that it is drooping down to cover most of her eye. I can't raise the Pink House woman by knocking, so I just put the cat in a trap and go right to the vet with her. I had her tested. She is negative.

The vet then gave her a prednisone injection to reduce that inflammation and she needs to be on antibiotics for ten days, the vet said. I stopped by the Pink House again and still could not raise the lady, so I brought the cat home. The Pink House woman would never cease her beer drinking for ten days anyhow, to be sober enough to care for a very sick cat.

It is disgusting that I just spent all that money on a cat she owns, but I did so. My choice. I couldn't just leave her there like that and her owner is as negligant as they come.

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