Thursday, March 12, 2009

Work in Progress

I got the first of several cat runs up. I built it using the same old boards, just put together differently this time around and painted a different color.

I was circling the struts of the old box springs frame with carpet pieces I got at the dollar store, to put on the bottom of cat cages, so the cats could climb up to the run, then decided I'll take the carpet pieces off, and put alternating shelves, made of, guess what, age old cedar fence boards, that first I came to know when building a fence at a duplex where I lived, in Corvallis. Those boards were used for other purposes, when I moved to the slum shack in Corvallis. I brought them with me here, too, when I moved again. They've still use to them, you see. And I love them.

It's funny how I can put up something new and amazing for the cats and they will totally ignore the new apparatus, built with sweat and love and pain and cursing, when I hit my thumb with a sharp or blunt object.

It's so disrespectful. It's how they control me, so that I doubt myself and work even harder to come up with new fun things to please them. I know I'm pathetic. But I like it that way.

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