Saturday, March 21, 2009

Susie and Daughter Muffy Get a Home Together

Sir Purr, above, also got a home today, leaving, of the family of four, only Yoyo left here. He is delightful.
Muffy, the little tabby on white girl teen, got a home with super friendly manx mom, Suzie, in photo below. Yay!

Well, off craigslist no less, I had a great response and as a result, Suzie and Muffy, got a great home together. I am very happy. Celebrating in my own way. Rip roaring ecstatic over it.

Now, to find the two delightful lookalike boys good homes. Yawny, a.k.a. Sir Purr, and his delightful brother Yoyo.

UPDATE: Sir Purr is leaving also to a home. Really nice people, too. He'll be leaving any moment now. That leave Yoyo.


  1. hooray for suzie and muffy and lets find yoyo a home...craigslist hasn't been working out too badly it seems...


Green Peter Drawdown Film

  A film made about the Green Peter reservoir drawdown.